A huge, huge list of vid recs

Apr 07, 2006 09:19

I have posted these recs elsewhere but I thought I may as well post them in my own LJ too.
My comments are sometimes a bit brusque and a bit shallow but that's what you get from reccing all those vids in a spate of 1 or 2 sessions. The vids that I list are from a wide variety of fandoms. I love to watch more or less everything and my taste in style and music is not limited. *grin*

If there are grammatical errors sorry. My brain is like mush.

April 06


Name of the vidder: foomatic
Video Title and Fandom: Betrayal (Fingersmith)
Video length: 4.22
the vidder has put this under her "movie" category but it's not a movie it's a TV drama. :) As for the vid - This is a great little find. You don't see many "Fingersmith" vids around and what she has done with it is excellent. The overall mood of this is haunting and the song chosen enhances that. It works surprisingly well for a period drama. (Please note: It does contain some scenes of an adult nature)

Name of the vidder: Caroline
Video Title and Fandom: In a Manner of Speaking (Sugar Rush)
Video length: 3.58
this video is breathtaking. It's about teenage love and longing, and not knowing who you are or what you want from your life or your relationships. It's an emotional ride. We've all been there to some extent. The image quality is also fantastic. There is one tiny drawback with this vid, it's a shame the vidder did not put in a beginning or end credit. It's something I can get past if you can because the video is that good.

March 06


Vid By: Killa
Video Title & Fandom: These Two Arms (Xena)
Video length: 4:47 min
This is a visually breathtaking video with a beautiful song that fits the emotion of the characters and of the show.


Vid By: Claire
Video Title & Fandom: PM's Love Theme (Rome)
Video length: 2:18 min
For a start you do not see that many Rome vids about and what makes this a great video is the attention to motion. The vidder obviously has a natural instinct for movement within clips. It works very well. It’s also a good choice in music - The show is epic so she has chosen an instrumental piece to reflect that.

Vid By: Claire
Video Title & Fandom: If There's Any Justice (Spark House)
Video length: 3:57 min
Now what other vidder has ever done “Spark House”?! This is a British show and it’s really nice to see actually. Again, it’s pretty well edited; it’s by the same vidder as above. My only slight reservation is the song. I don’t really like it that much, but that’s just me. The singer is British and it fits the vid nicely enough.

Vid By: Killa (with help from T. Jonesy)
Video Title & Fandom: Blue On Black (DeadWood)
Video length: 3:41 min
I do not know this show very well but the vid has stunning visuals. You do not need to be an avid watcher of “Deadwood” to know that this is a great video!

Vid By: Killa
Video Title & Fandom: Inside (Jeremiah)
Video length: 3:25 min
My comments for this video are pretty much the same as above. I don’t know the show but anyone can see this is a top notch vid!

Vid By: Sweetie
Video Title & Fandom: Wild (Tru Calling)
Video length: 4:20 min
This is a very cool, well timed “Tru Calling” vid. The vidder has used effects to enhance the story and what she has done has meshed in nicely with the shows own effects.

Vid By: Killa & T. Jonesy
Video Title & Fandom: Knights Of The Round Table (Star Trek: TOS)
Video length: 1:39 min
This vid is hilarious! The timing and the lip synching is pure genius.

Vid By: Killa & T. Jonesy
Video Title & Fandom: Razzle Dazzle (Star Trek: TOS)
Video length: 3:35 min
This video is very, very funny. It has me in fits of giggles every time that I watch it. Again the timing is impeccable.

Vid By: Killa & Luminosity
Video Title & Fandom: History Repeating (Highlander)
Video length: 3:41 min
This is a classy and savvy look at Amanda (The main character). A great insight vid. I love it to bits!

Vid By: Killa
Video Title & Fandom: I’m The Girl (Highlander)
Video length: 3:30 min
“A fast and fun vid that would have been wonderful without the added narrative layers and is fantabulous with them” That quote is by lithiumdoll. It sums up my exact feelings about this vid.


Vid By: Killa
Video Title & Fandom: Magic Carpet Ride (Firefly)
Video length: 2:49 min
This is such a fun look at “Firefly”. The song is inspired! The vidder puts out quality in every fandom she covers, there is no exception here.

Feb 06


Macedonian Getaway
This is an excellent video in quality, editing and story-wise. A must watch for any Xena fan and vid watchers alike. It shows beautifully the journey of Gabrielle from naive side kick to a warrior in her own right.
This is a great, great video. The video is full of depth and shows Xena of her path to Redemption. It is wonderfully edited and very thought provoking.

When Fates Collide
This is a longish video (8.13) but very much worth the wait. The high quality version is also advised. This is an outstanding video in the retelling of “When fates collide” and very well edited.


Do you dream of me?
This is a very powerful thought provoking vid. It is very creepy and yet strangely sensual. The movement is well timed and it flows beautifully with the song.
Live Till I die
I think this video captures the life of a sidekick really well. It is upbeat and optimistic even when Iolus is getting beaten up by everyone. It is a lot of fun but also captures the essence of the character.

Misc TV

Make a Wish (Hex)
You really will not find a better Hex video. This is a true rarity - faultless in style and execution.

The Frug (Wonderfalls)
This is another excellent video by the same vidder that gaveus “Make a wish” and “Déjà Vu”. This has perfect editing like the others and gives us an insight into “Wonderfalls”. The show is very quirky and I think the vidder has captured that here in both the music and clips she chose.

Woman King (Deadwood)
This is excellent. It powerfully conveys the struggle of a woman trying to make it in a man’s world.

Big Red Boat (Joan of Arcadia)
I have yet to see a better Joan of Arcadia vid. This is a strange song but fits the show perfectly. Great style!

Die another day (Dark Angel)
There is not much I can say about this other than it’s a funky kick ass video. It shows Max off at her best. It is full on action and effects.
its http://www.avenuepotter.com/~shoopdancer/othervids.htm

Veronica Mars

I have already rec’ed the first two video elsewhere but what I said about them then still applies. I will give you a short exert from both those recs.

Déjà Vu
Watch it because it is the deepest Veronica Mars vid ever. It is heart breaking without being maudlin and it shows you exactly how much Lilly and Veronica mean to each other. In short watch it because as far as I am concerned it is the best video of the show to date. (still as of 7th April 06)

Nervous Breakthrough
This is a really fast and funky vid and its editing style perfectly suits the show. What you will get from watching this is an overview of “Veronica Mars” showing Veronica’s relationship with the key characters. It doesn’t really contain any spoilers so it is the ideal recruiter vid. You get the feel of the show without giving away any real plot details.

‘Colourblind’ has beautiful music, it’s a sad and emotional video, and it’s deep and touching. Plus the vidder has very appropriately enhanced the theme by using some good colour effects.

The song seems quite strange at first but the vid quickly evolves into a well constructed AU that nevertheless captures the essence of Duncan’s rather melodramatic character.
Time Bomb
Time bomb perfectly captures Logan’s instability without taking the “poor misunderstood Logan” route of most vids. It is angst free and refreshingly makes no excuses for Logan. He is what he is.
Gold Digger
This is a cleverly constructed video. It is edited well to what must have been a very tricky song.
Me and Julio down by the schoolyard
This does have some slash undertones but mostly it is a lighter look at Weevil and Logan. It’s a well paced narrative video.
Where the boys are
This video is chilling! What makes it so is that at key places the images and the lyrics are deliberately miss-matched. At first the song seems to be a weird choice but the deeper you go in to the video the more sense it makes.


Thistledown Tears
I really like that this vid puts the western element of Firefly to the forefront both in song and clip choice. It makes it feel closer to the show than a lot of vids which mostly look at the sci fi aspect.
If you only ever watched one video for the Firefly/Serenity fandom then this would have to be it. This is pure professional quality. This vidder really knows her stuff. The internal motion in this is breathtaking.

She’s a rebel
This is a good action River vid which makes a nice change of pace from all those heavy introspective character studies. I particularly liked the fighting and dancing intercuts.

Feel good time
This is a really fun look at the whole crew of Serenity. It’s all about the laughs and the action. Fast cuts and great editing to boot. The song and the clips mesh well together.

If you come across any site errors please do let me know. Oh and don't forget to feed the vidders!

fingersmith, due south, hex, spark house, deadwood, recs, rome, jeremiah, veronica mars, firefly, dark angel, sugar rush, hercules, la femme, star trek: tos, videos, xena, joan of arcadia, highlander, wonderfalls, serenity

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