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Comments 86

ringwench December 23 2005, 01:17:33 UTC
Eeee! I'm SO glad you've made a Supernatural vid! I absolutely LOVED it! I loved the quick cutting, it was done in such a way that it seemed like we were just getting tiny little glimpses into scenes (I probably didn't explain that right, but it looked really cool!). I also adored your transitions. Everything was right on the beat, and the vid had a very nice motion to it. Really solidly put together vid. AWESOME!

I look forward to seeing more Supernatural vids from you!


charmax December 23 2005, 04:09:45 UTC
Thanks Ringwench. I knew I had to vid Supernatural as soon as I saw the first ep but then I hit a vidding slump and couldn't find the right song. I really needed to change tack and look at the lighter side of the show.

I am reasonably confident now that I will do another Supernatural vid. Something with a bit more substance.

btw - I watched your challenge entry. It was very funny. Those boys certainly do run a lot. lol


messyjessie58 December 23 2005, 01:27:47 UTC
this is great charmax! the song is perfect cause it so dry, but humorous lol i love it


charmax December 23 2005, 04:15:03 UTC
Thanks Jessie :D

It is a fun song to listen to. It is a total bitch to edit to though.


messyjessie58 December 23 2005, 04:18:51 UTC
yeah i could see that :) its beat seems really challenging


cellyjelly December 23 2005, 03:36:56 UTC
gah! that vid rocked, the very first Supernatural vid I've seen! and I'm extremely happy it was yours, with the great editing and all ('cause usually the first vid I see of a fandom are made by amateurs!)....lol
Anyways, excellent job! More ways of getting a Supernatural fix! *chants* more Dean! more Dean!


charmax December 23 2005, 04:24:12 UTC
Thanks Celly. I'm glad you liked it. I have to admit that I haven't watched very many Supernatural vids but I know there are plenty to be found here supernaturalvid


existentialism December 23 2005, 08:35:36 UTC
I kind of jumped completely out of my seat when I followed the URL to this SN vid at sn_eps. I've always really amired your music videos, and I just knew I would love this to.

Even though the music didn't have a lot in itself, you were able to work the clips perfectly with the beats and with the lyrics. I loved this vid so much!

And if it's okay, I friended you. I'd love to maybe get to know you a little better.


charmax December 23 2005, 09:39:11 UTC
Wow that is very flattering. I do hope to do a more meaningful Supernatural vid at some point. My intention with this one was just to raise a smile.

As for friending me, sure you can! All my fannish posts are unlocked so you can browse all you like. I don't tend to friend back immediately not until I've got to know someone a little better.


iwillrememberu December 23 2005, 11:03:32 UTC
I knew this vid would rock and I wasn't wrong. It was awesomely funny, perfectly edited and the timing was also... well, perfect.

Thanks for this great Christmas present!


charmax December 23 2005, 12:24:22 UTC
I'm glad you liked it. so many compliments, it does seem to be going down well. Thank you for taking the time to comment!


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