Fandom memes

Oct 23, 2005 12:23

Firstly tagged by haltlos

Do this for each of your fandoms!
1. Who would you like to have a one-night stand with?
2. Who would you like to live with?
3. Who wouldn't you like to live with?
4. Who wouldn't live with you?
5. Who would you like to throw off a cliff?
6. Who would throw you off of a cliff?

Veronica Mars
1. Who would you like to have a one-night stand with?
Oh definitely Veronica! Why you ask? Because she's fit and because it's a one night stand I wouldn't have to deal with her 'issues' after.

2. Who would you like to live with?
Daddy Mars. Because it's been a long time since anyone took care of me.

3. Who wouldn't you like to live with?
I would say Duncan because even though he has psycho episodes he is still a boring blank of wood.

4. Who wouldn't live with you?
Weevil because he'd never get on the playstation.

5. Who would you like to throw off a cliff?
Meg - to see if it would take a second time.

6. Who would throw you off of a cliff?
Aaron Echolls because he is crazy and would throw anybody off a cliff. I am far too nice for normal people to want to throw me off anything.

1. Who would you like to have a one-night stand with?
It is quite slim pickings for a gay girl, plenty of hot guys but only moany chicks. So I'll go with a threesome with Kate and whatever the fuck Michelle Rodriguez character is called. Just the one night then they can have a catfight in the surf while I watch.

2. Who would you like to live with?
Hurley because that guy has got to have a food stash somewhere plus if we ever get off the island he can give me his cursed millions.

3. Who wouldn't you like to live with?
Sawyer because man that guy looks like he stinks and that was before his wound went gangrenous.

4. Who wouldn't live with you?
Claire because I would make her stop whining and get off her arse and actually make a contribution after all she is the dopey mare that brought yet another mouth to feed.

5. Who would you like to throw off a cliff?
Michael closely followed by Jack. Michael is too useless to survive but Jack is just lucky enough to pull through and maybe then he would believe in something other than himself.

6. Who would throw you off of a cliff?
Locke because he would be curious to know if I bounced. It would be an interesting experiment.

1. Who would you like to have a one-night stand with?
Faith or Willow actually make that and Willow. Slayer stamina would be cool plus Willow can make someone levitate when they climax. Sounds good to me!

2. Who would you like to live with?
Giles because I always wanted to live with someone who had a well stocked library and could make a decent pot of tea.

3. Who wouldn't you like to live with?
Angel - there is only room for one person who looks sexy when they are brooding and that is me.

4. Who wouldn't live with you?
Buffy. Because I absolutley would not be a shoulder to cry on while she moaned about having to save the world and picking crap boyfriends.

5. Who would you like to throw off a cliff?
The slayer in training with the dodgy cockney accent because something that offensive to my ear deserves never to be heard again except as a scream.

6. Who would throw you off of a cliff?
Dawn. The kid is a psycho just nobody noticed.

1. Who would you like to have a one-night stand with?
Irina. Enough said.

2. Who would you like to live with?
Marshall because his house would be full of cool gadgets.

3. Who wouldn't you like to live with?
Sark. He looks like he would hog the bathroom.

4. Who wouldn't live with you?
Sloane because I tend to break things and I would ruin his Rambaldi collection.

5. Who would you like to throw off a cliff?
Vaughn. Just to make sure he is dead.

6. Who would throw you off of a cliff?
Vaughn. Because he is not really dead.

Next tagged by astartexx

1. Who would you want to stand naked on a bridge at gun point?
Ana from Alias because she would escape eventually and it would be fun to see how.

2. Who would you want to send back in time and be forced to work as a prostitute?
Jenny from the L Word because she already gives it away for free and she would make more money as a hooker than she ever would with her pretentious writing.

3. If you were trapped with a whip, rope and a can of nails, who do you think you could have more fun with?
I could build myself a ladder to escape if only I had an inanimate object to tie it to. Ahh here comes Duncan from Veronica Mars.

4. Who do you think could make a better Pimp? I mean really make some money selling ass?
Rube (Dead Like Me) he would only cater for the dead though.

5. Which characters would you combine (ie put x’s mind in y’s body) to make the perfect sex slave?
Wes's mind (and eyes) in Cordy's body. Wes knows all the dirty moves and Cordy has a great pair of tits. Perfect!!

6. Which two characters (same or opposite sex) would you force to mate to make the perfect love child?
Ana (Alias) and Zoe (Firefly), together they make Jasmine (Ats) the ultimate goddess.

7. Which two characters (same or opposite sex) would you force to mate to make a demon spawn?
Shane from The Lword and Mel from Qaf. It would be as hot as anything, seem laid back most of the time and then turn on you with killer PMS.

8. Which two characters (same or opposite sex) would you force to mate just for your own amusement?
Sydney (Alias) and Max (Dark Angel). Just because.

9. Who would you think would do best if you dropped them in nothing but underwear in the middle of the desert throw 7 bucks at them and told them to find their way back to you in 12 hours to get the antidote?
Locke as he can hunt and track and has many survival skills (the thought of the underwear part is a bit disturbing though).

10. Who would it be if the drop was in the city?
Brian from Qaf. He would wave his dick at someone and have hitched a ride in no time.

11. Which male character do you think would do best breaking someone out of jail in a cocktail dress?
I can't decide between Mal (Firefly) or Mason (Dead Like Me).

12. Which character do you think would adjust best if they changed sexes?
Lilah (Ats). She already has more balls than most men.

13. Who would do the worst?
House. Everyone would keep telling him he was just cranky because it was the time of the month.

14. Who do you think would be best as the main ingredient for a meal?
Most of the girls don't have enough meat on them to make a starter never mind a meal so I'll go with Charlie (Lost) becasue with the drugs in his system he would add a bit of a kick to the dish.

15. Who do you think would vote to eat you first, if you're in a plane crash and have no food?
Jack (Lost) would; but he wouldn't bother to vote he would just do it.

I am not tagging, this is a free for all.


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