Vidding Meme

Jul 21, 2009 08:39

It's going around the flist.

Your software:
AE CS3, Photoshop CS3. For a few months I was using Premiere Pro CS3 but I just couldn't get it to behave well so I eventually conceded defeat and returned to good old reliable 1.5

Favourite video:
The answer to this question is always my next video because I'm full of excitement about its potential and haven't had the chance to fuck it up yet.

Least favourite video:
Everything truly appalling is offline now, hopefully. I think there may be some stragglers on Youtube.

A video that got surprisingly good feedback, but you are not completely satisfied with it:
I wasn't sure anyone would be interested in a Merlin vid that wasn't Merlin/Arthur so in that sense "It's Not Over Yet" went over better than I thought and there are definitely a couple of sections in that I wish I'd fine tuned. Also I was amazed to find someone wanted to use "Weak" as the subject of a vid commentary because I'd forgotten all about it.

A video you like a lot that didn't get the good reaction you were expecting:
Generally I'm happy with the level of response my vids get. I am much more often pleasantly surprised than I am disappointed. "Mainstream" was very close to my heart so I suppose it would've been nice for it to have had more attention, then again I've had a flurry of comments for that lately so I shouldn't complain. "Boogie Wonderland" missed its audience I don't think people could get beyond the uncool disco to see what was underneath. It's still a vid I'm very proud of in terms of internal motion and it's something I specifically focussed on and tried to draw attention to.

Best song/video combo (the song you chose was just perfect for the theme):
Without being too egotistical I pride myself on making the right song choices. Not necessarily songs that I would have on my ipod but that are just right for that character or show. I can't pick out one specifically.

Video you had the most fun with:
"Smile" was remastered for More Joy Day and it was an absolute joy to do. I reconnected to source I hadn't looked at for quite a while.

Video you had trouble editing because of the song:
My two Spike Sweet Charity vids were initially problematical. I had trouble visualising them at first.

A video you'd like to remaster:
I would remaster "Tears And Rain" but James Blunt is such a cliché now I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. Also it might be interesting to have another bash at "Weak."

Most inspired sequence you made:
I don't usually think of my vids like that so I don't think I can come up with an answer for this one.

Movie/show you have most enjoyed using for a video:
The superheroes footage for "Destiny Calling" was a delight to work with. I also look forward to using more T:SCC in the future.

Pet peeves (stuff you often see around in vids that makes you go wtf):
Just my opinion, ymmv etc.

-Jumping on an aesthetic or effects bandwagon without really thinking about whether it's appropriate or necessary for a particular vid, examples are grungy textures, acid colours, masking. To clarify it's not the individual elements, all of which I've seen employed to great effect, it's the mindless following of the trend that rankles.

- I can tolerate network logos but when they start flipping and zooming around the screen it really distracts me.

- The intros born out of the desire to avoid Youtube's copyright software that look more impressive than the actual vid.

- Generic angst. I'm not interested in pretty people suffering just because it looks pretty I want to know why they are suffering.

All my vids can be found here.

vidding, meme

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