Saturday's Shampoo

Jul 09, 2005 06:36

Lather: Tell about one time you laughed so hard you couldn't breathe. Who were you with? What were you laughing about?

The one that really stands out has to be when we had a visitor come to the house.  The visitor was a local solicitor doing some work for us and you know how they are, all prim and dressed in a sharp suit with aftershave reeking out the house. Well Tinker being such a nosey girl climbs onto the back of the sofa, sits right behind him (He is unaware she is doing this) first just stares at him and then does the deed. You know how cats when they are sniffing something they have their mouths open? It's when they need to get a full smell; well she was doing this to his hair/toupee for about 10 minutes! He didn't know! Tinker looked demonic she had her ears back her mouth agape and you could just see what she was thinking "Smelly bastard get out of my house!" Of course me and Max couldn't do or say anything we just had to sit there nodding and smiling nicely. Lets just say when he did leave; I had to change my underwear. Not a pretty sight. And the incident was actually funnier than it sounds. :P

Rinse: What's the last book you couldn't put down? Why?

I haven't read any great novels in a while but the last one I enjoyed was "Slammerkin" by Emma Donoghue. If you have read "Tipping the velvet" or "Fingersmith" by Sarah Waters then you might well like this. It is not brilliant but it has the same gritty feel as the other two and is set around the same era.

The cover review -
"Inspired by fragments of a story from the newspapers of the day, Slammerkin tells the story of Mary Saunders, an 18th-century girl, who falls, for love of a ribbon, into prostitution and ultimate disaster.. A compelling novel, her best to date" - Financial Times    

Repeat: What website, blog, online game, etc have you spent the most time on this week? Share the URL with the rest of us!
I haven't been online an awful lot this week but the times I have been online I have been wasting over at PoPCap games. I am hopelessly addicted to Bejewelled. Very sad I know. Another place that I've recently discovered is Fandom Wank , Amusing and full of fandom love hate. Other than those two sites it has just been random browsing.

Meme from

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