25 Random Things About Me

Jan 31, 2009 13:22

I posted this on Facebook and I may as well post it here too.

I am tagging all of my flist.
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a post with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I am very much a country girl at heart.
2. I would love to go on a barge holiday but the lochs freak me out.
3. I want to name my next ginger cat Lester after "Red Leicester" cheese.
4. I am quite a traditionalist.
5. I have severe phobia of slugs *shudder*.
6. I have lived in the same house for 16 years. Since I was 17.
7. Prior to that I've lived in 20+ places.
8. I had my nose pierced until my mid-twenties.
9. I have a photographic memory for directions.
10. I've been known to hold a grudge.
11. I always order crispy-chilli beef from the Chinese take-away.
12. My favourite dish at the moment cooked by my lovely wife is cock-a-leekie soup and lamb & ginger.
13. My dream is to have a small holding with a pot bellied pig, donkey, goat and geese.
14. I gave up smoking (again) 3 years ago and this time I'm never going back.
15. I really want a Cadbury purple car.
16. My favourite season is spring.
17. When I am at the coast it feels like I am home which is unfortunate because I am in the Midlands.
18. I am mostly self educated whereas Max is higher educated.
19. I've never been out of Europe.
20. I am addicted to Aero Bubbles particularly the minty ones.
21. I wear make-up very occasionally.
22. I would love to do the "coast" trip and stop in every town along the way.
23. I do not have the money to do that.
24. I hate touching flour.
25. I am a fannish geek.


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