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Comments 74

giandujakiss August 16 2008, 14:19:19 UTC
I haven't seen the movie (or read the book) but I thought that was incredibly powerful. I'm sure I'm not getting all the nuances, but the storyline definitely came across and drew me in.


charmax August 17 2008, 06:42:14 UTC
It's a relief to know the storyline came through without needing any prior knowledge. Thanks for commenting.


fahrbotdrusilla August 16 2008, 16:37:04 UTC
Simply lovely. The song fits the storyline so well and the editing is perfect.


charmax August 17 2008, 08:13:42 UTC
Thank you!


m_phoenix August 16 2008, 17:27:39 UTC
That was wonderful. I loved Fingersmith, first the book and then the adaptation, and you really did the story justice here. The themes of betrayal were deeply unsettling for me, and in your version they still are, but the music carried me through -- perfect song choice. I'm feeling all tingly. Think I need to go and watch that again.


charmax August 17 2008, 10:24:28 UTC
Cheers! It is such a dark book and the adaptation was pretty faithful to that so I was able to use the song to get the betrayal across and it really is a fab song. Awesome comment thanks for telling me how much you liked it.


and a half-whispered prayer kiki_miserychic August 16 2008, 17:54:32 UTC
Wow. I love the follow through of motion. There's tension built up with the music and the editing.


Re: and a half-whispered prayer charmax August 17 2008, 13:28:18 UTC
Thanks, Kiki. I'm glad you mentioned liking the motion because the source is quite still in places. Building the tension was a big part of what I was aiming for so the second half has a greater sense of urgency.


bradcpu August 16 2008, 18:17:30 UTC
I'd definitely say this was one of the two or three biggest hits of non-attending. It actually *closed the show*!


charmax August 17 2008, 13:29:42 UTC
YAY this makes me all kinds of happy. Can't wait to read these con reports.


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