Jul 19, 2005 17:46
LOVE LIFE: D- (so far I've had a lot of trouble being very close to people IRL, partially out of nervousness, and mostly because of lack of true chemistry. Plus, I'm a virgin, so...)
CAREER: C- (I work at McDonald's and it sucks, but I'm working on getting a better job. I'm also still in college learning stuff. For right now, though, nothing's too rewarding)
SOCIAL LIFE: D+ (I have friends, but this would be much higher if I had more of a RL social life. *sigh*)
FAMILY LIFE: B- (I have a loving mother and a mostly cool younger brother who support me well, though we also argue like crazy, and I doubt either one of them truly understands me)
MONEY: B (I get SSI on top of my McDonald's earnings, plus some friends and relatives who can provide me more money, so I'm probably better off than the average person in terms of spending money)
HEALTH: B- (I'm usually healthy and don't get sick very often, but I definitely need to work out more and become fit)
APPEARANCE: C (passable. Many people find me cute, but I wish I was actually handsome and had some decent muscle mass.)
OVERALL: C- (my life right now is just a little below average, mostly monotony and depression mixed with some very happy events here and there.)