Dec 20, 2003 03:59
Im so fucking board at work and I have nothing to do except play with myself JUST KIDDING.....I have had a pretty fucked up month First mt girl Desiree died which tore me up inside then a week later my Bestfriends mother died. So I have been going though alot latly. I been so depressed and the only think that makes me stop thinking about everything is me getting out the house and doing something else besides sit home od at work. I been called a bad mother so many times this month..I been out 4 times this month. Is not like I am out everynight and shit. I can say one thing I take care of my son and If hes not with me I know he is well taken care of. I think my life is going to start getting better though. I found a really sweet guy that like me for me and he knows about Antonio and he loves kids. I have hung out with him a few times and I think we might get together... He texts me all the time and it seems he wants to be with me. Im just taking it slow. I dont want to fuck anything up. And I dont want to get hurt like my EX hurt me I got a good phone call today at work. Theres another hotel that needs someone for front desk and they pay 2 dollors more then here and want me work there. So I am going to fill out an app this morning when i get off and see about that job. I really want to get out off this job. I hate working here. My manager is a red dot person and he dont speak really goos english.. Anyways I am off to read my mail and start my paperwork lates