Apr 14, 2010 08:36
Did someone turn off the sun? Thermometer says 32 degrees!! I know spring had sprung.... Who unsprung it! I am not very appreciative of the frost on the ground this morning - or of the need to break back out the sweaters. Of course Burke doesn't mind - adaptable to the end, that's my baby boy.
Internship all squared away - I'll be doing ASL translation stuffles in two different High School. Looks like Cocalico (but this is a rumor because Mrs. Sahd works there and someone told her) and Warwick! Yes my own Alma matter!! (again, conjecture by the Cocalico translator to Mrs. Sahd) In any case, I am SO excited anyway it goes and all around.
3 exec. officers and 3 heads of house had a pretty productive meeting last night to deal with points issues, Red Nose Day issues (where we make fools of ourselves to raise money for THON), and Rock Band location issues. Good working with Abby skill points awarded to me. And I guess to her too.
This weekend is SO full. Friday is the Slytherin House Meeting which I imagine will be ridiculous because it's rock band and EVERYONE loves rock band. I need to get some food ordered for that since my trusty Megan won't be here to do it....
Before that on Friday I need to take Erika and Company to the Goodwill as she wants to get stuff for her birthday party which is Alice in Wonderland themed.
Saturday is Dress Rehearsal for Red Nose Day and there is already a scheduling conflict - someone needs their skit moved earlier and someone can't be there at all ::face palm:: When I agreed to direct Red Nose Day I think I erroneously thought I'd have the president of the club helping me a bit. Stop now. No bitterness.
Directly from dress rehersal I am driving out to Rowen and Jesse's house in Bellefonte so Rowen can get me ready (and herself too) for the photo shoot that night. Then there will be gaming late into the evening.
Sunday I'm singing in church at 8:15 am and call for Red Nose Day is at noon. Then the show is at 2pm in 111 forum to raise money for the 4 diamonds fund. You know, THON. Please come so my kids aren't making idiots of themselves in front of no one - it's FTK.
I'm not starting on the rest of this week yet, or even going to the next few weeks except to say one this about each. This Thursday night: CASTING CROWNS AND TENTH AVENUE NORTH concert at the BJC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Surgery at Hershey medical Center on the 27th of April. Should be routine. So just annoying and not dangerous.
Little man is stretching his front legs against his back so I guess he's ready to head out.
It's off to life we go!