Apr 03, 2010 01:26
Were You There when they crucified my lord?
Alas! And did my Savior Bleed.
Was it worth it Lord? If you had it all to do over again today - would you?
You, you who stood up for so many - all those for whom no one else would stand; the poor AND the Rich, the weak AND the powerful, the dirty AND the clean... you stood for so many, but in the end you hung, alone.
You could have stopped them. You could have said one word and legions of angles would have come to take you down off that tree. But you didn't. All those who mocked you, you could have snuffed them with a word, a thought! But you didn't. Because you were different than all those other gods on the block. You were different than Zeus. Different than Baal. Different than the tree gods and nature spirits. It was because you were different that you let them hang you on the tree. And it's because you're different that you're the only of all the gods who can save me.
Lent, Day 38:
Bitterness - gone
In it's place - resolve, frustration, and in increased guardedness. And maybe, just a bit of peace.
abby is awesome