May 10, 2005 19:47
..:: FRIDAY ::..
well as the rents think im an angel and dont party i had 2 b hush hush on goin 2 a parteeeeeee!b4 it i got all upset bcoz i thot the girlies were mad at me and i cried **sobz** bt thn they told me 2 shut the fuk up =) lol..**hugz** we all got ready at caras hoose mun =) (me cara (obv! lol) lauren nicola nixxi and rhona) we got drunk there 2 lol...the taxi there was erm...interestin..thot the taxi driver 1st was my dad, even tho he dont hav tht car or is he a taxi man guy thingy :S..thn i thot he called my mum a hoe =( lol...anywayz..the party was okay until damn neds hurt my friends =( **hugs 2 stu and chris** i tired 2 b a DJ lol..and evry1 thot i was on drugs:|:|:| lol NO!!!!...after it we all walked home - took ages!!! lol nicola wore gemmells shoes lol like 10 sizes 2 big...thn cara pee'd and it went on 4 AGES!!!! god never seen pee like it :p lol after tht i jus went bak 2 picolas 2 sleep...all in all a gd nite apart from..well...the bad bits.......
..:: SATURDAY ::..
stayed in my pj's til like 5...cara came over 2 niknaks 4 a while...ate a pot noodle and a big mac straight after it - FAT BITCH ! ! !...thn later at nite we came bak 2 mine and babysat =(...had girlie funfun, cara done my make up **woot-a-woo** ko lolol..blah...rents came in pissed sat up with thm - had the tlk of life like 6 times :|:|:| was funny tho =) lol...
..:: SUNDAY ::..
had another lazy day lol...went out 4 a nice family meal =) was fun...thn me and my step maw (lol) went 2 asda (H) aww yeh lol...was a laugh...u actually meet so many ppl there lol...came home at bout 10 watched stevie thn went 2 me bed...nothin excitin....
god my lifes so borin'!!!!!....
oh no exams soon and the end of 5th year is 2moro =( sad lol..**runs and hides**...2day was fun tho me n nixxi dogged last 2 and sat with emma and laura...their 6th yrs and wana cry lol (obv bcoz they'l miss me :P) we were stealin things lolol was funny...and had nice convos bout jobbys with sweetcorn in it :|:$lololol dont ask...
well not 2 sure wot im doin this weekend...feel free 2 invite me out =)
luv 2 the sexual rhonie ponie (my wifey;)) lol
peace out mofo's ♥