Happy Who Year!

Apr 15, 2012 20:30

I just realized that it's been about one year since I discovered the awesomeness that is Doctor Who.

I remember I was home sick and I happened to come across a video on YouTube that was my first Doctor/Rose video. I'd already heard about this "Doctor Who" on the Harry Potter FanFiction Forums and so I was familiar with the name of the show. The first thing that captured my eye, that took hold of my imagination, was that scene in Doomsday where Rose is being sucked into the Void. The abject terror and heartbreak in the Doctor's face was so...emotional that I became an instant Doctor/Rose shipper though I didn't even know what that meant.

I ended up watching the whole first season of the New Who in two days (being sick at home has some advantages). Rose's dynamic with Nine was so full of chemistry and obvious affection that I completely fell in love with the idea of Doctor and Rose together.

And even apart from that whole ship, I fell in love with the show itself. I've always been a scifi girl with my Star Trek, Star Wars and anything having to do with space and time travel and things beyond what I see in everyday life, that Doctor Who just helped fill that empty space of my heart after all the Star Trek series had ended.

In one year, I've watched all the New Who seasons and am now yearning for Series 7, I joined LJ specifically for doctor_rose_fix and found a community of friends that shared my similar love and devotion. I've also written 40 fics of the drabble, one-shot and chaptered variety on just about all the New Who characters and I'm going to keep 'em coming!

I have a few Who resolutions for this coming year:

  • Watch whatever Classic Who epis I can get my hands on.
  • Rewatch all the New Who series ♥
  • Write a long Doctor Who chaptered fic (more than at least 7 chapters)
  • Win a who_contest
  • Win a then_theres_us
  • Get more active on Teaspoon
  • Make more Doctor Who friends! I've been happy to meet so many already :)

    Thank you for listening to my reminiscing. Feel free to share some of your own!
  • fandom: doctor who, mutterings, fangirlness

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