Title: The Doctor + Two
charlottetripsRating & Status: PG, COMPLETE!
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Characters: Ten.5/Rose & son (Blade), Alt!Donna
Summary: A half-human Time Lord with a new TARDIS at a Royal Wedding. Throw in a wife and kid, a page boy who isn't a page boy and one parallel universe Donna Noble...What could go wrong?
#1 |
#2 Dazed, Donna followed after the trotting pair at a more sedate pace. She didn’t think they were going to be leaving anytime soon as they still had this “Juicer” to find and their son was still in the main hall, an area that had now been cordoned off to any exits or entrances.
A fact that the Doctor had just discovered.
“But I was just in there! My son’s in there!” Mild affront was written across his features, his quiff shaking with ire. Rose was tugging on his hand, possibly an effort to quiet him.
“I understand Doctor Alonso Xavier Tilanthenum,” despite his obvious annoyance, the Doctor’s eyes twinkled and a smile broke out on his face when the man at the door stated his “name”, “but the doors were sealed once the ceremony started. I’m sure we can find you a seat in the extra seating just over there.” The bland-faced man pointed down the hall to the anteroom that Donna would’ve been in had she not followed her curiosity and gotten involved with these very strange people.
She could see that the skinny Doctor was about to make a hullabaloo. Before that big trap of his could open again, she stepped forward, “Sir, I’ll take them.” All three heads turning in her direction, welcoming smiles appearing on the Doctor’s and his wife’s faces. Donna was a little taken aback by the familiarity she felt with them.
“Parallel Donna! Of course, we shall go with you!” He stuck out the crook of his arm, expecting her to take it and lead the way. She found herself smiling and playing along. On his other side, Rose gave her a playful grin.
Reaching the anteroom, she tried to usher them in quietly but the Doctor seemed fascinated with the array of guests, personal assistants and other entourage that had ended up in this extra room.
“I’m the Doctor! - Excuse me, Miss Durnville, your hat is extreeemely large - Hey, Frederick! Fancy seeing you here! Though you were lost at sea in 2005! Oof!“ (an elbow in the side from Rose) “Oh, right…never mind!”
Finally, Donna was able to get them to the empty seats on the other end of the viewscreen. The live televised play was a new thing for this modern royal wedding but one that she was thankful for as usually she’d have to catch it on the next teleplay which usually didn’t happen until two or three days later, when the news was practically old. She loved being on top of all the goings-on. That’s why she loved her job. Personal assistant to a famous and Royally-loved musician was always handy and better than reading the magazines.
She settled in for a long sitting. With the groomsmen and bridesmaids still entering the chapel area, there was still at least another hour for the ceremony to be fully completed. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the Doctor shifting around on his seat, one leg jiggling up and down in impatience. Rose’s eyes were fixed on the viewscreen but it wasn’t long before her hand came out to clamp down, gently but also very firmly on his bouncing knee. He stopped immediately and Donna heard a slightly exasperated sigh issued from him.
“While I actually enjoy what we came for darling, why don’t you keep an eye out for the Juicer?” Rose’s voice held a slight note of weary impatience; she apparently had had a long time dealing with the excitable Doctor. The man nodded and straightened in his seat, his glowing pen (though not glowing at the moment) was back out and being played around with.
As the ceremony progressed, Donna let herself relax a fraction and just enjoy watching two deserving people celebrate their love.
There was a static sound that broke the small peace that had settled around her. “Dad!” a tinny voice could be heard in the vicinity of Rose and the Doctor. The Doctor jumped in his seat, having nodded off a little. He scrambled around on the space next to him. Rose calmly pulled out her clutch and dipped her hand in, pulling out a walkie-talkie. Donna wondered how she could keep all those things in such a tiny bag.
The Doctor’s frantic movements stopped and he grabbed at the radio. “Go ahead, Eagle-One.”
“Dad! It’s Velociraptor!”
He grinned. “Sorry. Go ahead, Velociraptor. This is the Papa-Bear, here with Pretty-Mama.” Rose rolled her eyes, a slight smile on her face.
Donna smiled. She looked around at the other guests seated in the room and while one or two seemed slightly distracted by the Doctor, the majority were too bored to even look around.
“There’s something on the Prince that looks unusual. It looks like a pulsing green and black light on the back of his jacket.”
The Doctor squinted at the screen, pulling out some heavy black frames from his inner tux pocket and putting them on. “I can’t see it.”
“I’m only able to see it ‘cause of the theta-wave contacts you-oops-“
“Blade! You weren’t s’posed to be messin’ around with your father’s stuff!” Rose had grabbed the walkie-talkie out of the Doctor’s grasp. She was glaring at her husband who had his eyebrows raised in wide-eyed innocence. She didn’t seem to be buying it.
Even over the radio, Donna could hear Blade’s chagrin. “But Mum…”
The Doctor was trying to get the radio out of Rose’s grasp, his big brown eyes quite soulful and mouthing “I’m sorry”. He was angling his head towards the viewscreen, reminding her of the additional purpose of them being here. Reluctantly she relinquished her hold but not before she gave him a sharp poke to the side. His body flinched away from her unsuccessfully.
“All right, Velociraptor. Describe it for me.” His eyes were on the viewscreen, trying to see if he could spot what his son was seeing.
“Um, it’s like a round blinking dot clipped at the end of his jacket, it blinks every two point five seconds with an increased pause every one point six two blinks. It’s kinda under all that gold braid and ribbons he’s wearing so it’s hard to see unless you’re looking for something. Or you’re me.” There was definite pride in his voice.
“That’s m’boy! Yes, it’s very good you caught it! That’s definitely the Tinandre’s Juicer!” The Doctor was extremely excited. A gentleman and lady in front of them finally turned around to glare at him. He waved apologetically and quieted his voice a fraction. “OK, so now, you’ve got to get it off of him very soon. The increased pause means that it’s about to gear up for its final finish and we don’t want to see that at all. As soon as it’s detached from its victim, it’ll deactivate.”
Rose picked at his sleeve worriedly. “Will that be dangerous for him, love?”
He looked down at her, grabbing her hand with his free one, giving her a reassuring caress as he shook his head, continuing to speak into the walkie-talkie. “If you can get yourself right next to the Prince…that’s right, just inch yourself forward. It’s fine. No one’s paying attention.”
It was true. Donna watched as the dark-haired boy snuck his way up the line of people towards the altar. She guessed that his trainers were coming in handy for sneaking about. The boots would’ve made more noise. No one could be bothered to look at a restless boy, not when the Archbishop was coming to the end of the ceremony, bringing out the ceremonial symbols of marriage and bonding.
The Prince was handed the wedding circlet to place around his bride’s wrist and was bending over her arm when Blade reached his destination and, without getting too close to them, the boy reached an arm out towards the back of the Prince.
Oh no. Donna’s mouth dropped open as she saw Blade’s little hand reach and reach, grasping at something behind him. One of the attendants to the side had finally caught on to the fact that the child wasn’t where he was supposed to be and moved to intercept. Blade’s head turned to the approaching man, tipping his balance and he fell forward, almost in slow motion.
From her peripheral vision, Donna saw Rose and the Doctor leap up and clamber over the other guests to leave the room. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the disaster occurring on screen.
Blade’s right hand swiped at the back of the Prince’s jacket, while his left arm swung around to keep him upright. He ended up facing the camera, a grin on his face (a mix between the Doctor’s and Rose’s some detached part of her mind noted), arms up in triumph and then he realized the danger he was in as the attendant reached his position. Dropping the smile and his arms, he sidestepped the older, less agile man and made for the exit doors. The man attempted to follow but was blocked by the other people in the wedding party who were starting to crowd around the dais, smiles on their faces.
The cheering and clapping of the crowd finally filtered through Donna’s senses. Her eyes found the Prince and his bride. Apparently, Blade’s action of taking the Juicer off the Prince had caused the man to stumble into his bride and one or the other had taken advantage of it as now the couple was locked in quite a passionate embrace.
A very fortuitous distraction.
Donna couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her as she looked around the anteroom as well as observing the people on the viewscreen. While some guests looked horrified at this enthusiastic display, the majority seemed to be enjoying and indulging the newly married husband and wife, clapping and cheering being in abundance.
Making her way through the now animated group of guests, she found her way to the entrance hall where the Doctor and his family were involved in a group embrace, Blade up in the air in his father’s arms.
“Let me see what you got!” The Doctor exclaimed as soon as he’d put his son down. Blade proudly extended his hand where the Juicer lay dead on his palm. It looked a bit like a squashed guy, with little wires surrounding it like legs. His dad exploded with praising words, ruffling his son’s hair until the dark hair was standing up on all ends.
There was a mild scuffle in the corridor surrounding the main hall and the attendant who had previously been after Blade appeared. “You!” His arm went up in accusation.
The Doctor straightened immediately. “Weelll, it looks like we need to go!” Blade pocketed the Juicer and grabbed his mother’s outstretched hand as his father raced ahead to the front doors, snapping his fingers as he went.
“Wait!” Donna jogged after them but was overtaken by the attendant and the back up he had apparently called. Rose’s head had turned at Donna’s voice. With a grin and a wink, she held up her fisted hand and then dropped something into the potted plant she ran past. The attendants didn’t seem to notice and Donna hurried to get to the potter before anyone else did.
Reaching in, she grabbed the folded piece of paper and continued through to the front doors nearly crashing into a crowd of bodies. The attendants seemed to have gotten their metal badges magnetized together and were attempting to separate themselves, too busy to see Blade’s trainers disappear around a corner.
Donna hurried around the bend and was met with the strange sights and sounds of a blue police box disappearing in the middle of an alley. As the blinking light on top faded and the surreal musical notes disappeared, Donna dealt with the odd sense of loss. Glancing around, she remembered the paper in her hand.
As she unfolded it, she could see it was a picture. It was part of a magazine article on the Royal Wedding, dated three days from now and the photo was of the exact moment when Blade had swiped the Juicer off the Prince and had grinned directly in the direction of the camera, arms up in celebration. She saw what she had missed earlier was the Prince’s eyes wide in surprise as he’d stumbled into his bride, his hands grabbing her around the waist, a delighted smile on her face. No wonder it had lead to some kissing. Smiling at the picture, she saw that someone had written at the top:
Until we meet again!
Love, the Tylers
Looking back to where the blue box had disappeared and then up at the sky, she found herself laughing.
Author’s Note: There we have it! Another completed short story! Yay for Charlotta!