Dr Who Fic: Stuff of Legends [3/3] // COMPLETE!

Oct 14, 2011 00:53

Title:  Stuff of Legends [3/3]
Author:  charlottetrips
Rating:  PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Doctor/Rose and others!
Disclaimer:  Not mine. Though it’s not like I haven’t asked.
Summary:  I asked my friend to give me 25 random words to use as prompts to somehow relate to Doctor Who...and then I got distracted by all sorts of ficathons and other plot bunnies and a little something called NaNoWriMo!! Aaaahhhh!!!

Part 1
Part 2

The sparkle is what had captured his attention. He'd been on his way back from the chippy when he'd passed a window with the rose-colored bracelet that currently glued his attention. He wanted it for Rose. Maybe as a thank you. Thank you for coming with me despite the dangers you face or Thank you for smiling at me every time I need you to or even Thank you for being Rose. He gazed dreamily into space, thinking of the look on her face if he were to present her with such a pretty thing.

Someone bumped him and he felt something rummaging in his coat pocket. "Oi! You'd better put back what you just took from me!" Whipping around, he caught the miscreant as she'd been about to turn and run. Surprised, the little girl dropped the item she had tried to steal. It fell and just before it hit the concrete, started spinning mid air. Her brown eyes were wide in wonder, her mousy brown hair falling out of her ponytail. He smiled wide, an amused snort escaping at the would-be thief's expression, a cross between fascination and fear.

Slowly she tore her eyes away from the floating, spinning top. Her small hands worked anxiously at the ends of her scarf as her eyes met the slightly crooked grin of the Doctor's. "'Ello!" he greeted her enthusiastically. She yelped and without another word, turned and ran in the opposite direction.

Staring after her, slightly confused, the Doctor shrugged and grabbed the floating top, moving it around with his hand as he made his way back to the TARDIS. As he stepped through the doors, Rose greeted him with a sparkling smile that sent tingles through his insides. He grinned goofily back at her and tossed the top in her direction. Automatically, she reached out to grab it, but it halted in mid air, spinning just in front of the console.

Her brown eyes widened in shock and her mouth rounded in surprise, as realization entered in. Pointing a finger at the baffled Doctor, she exclaimed, "It was you!"

There was something about his mouth; those slightly chapped lips, the thin dark frown he could level at a body, the happy and wide grin he would bestow upon others and then that special and gentle smile that she hoped was reserved just for her.

Maybe it was because that mouth had a tendency to taste things, that tongue coming out to lick at walls, radios, trees, practically anything. Except her.

Or maybe it was what came out of that mouth in his effervescent and carrying voice. Unintelligible streams of equations of what made the universe turn, trivia from different times and places, quotes from the great (and not so great) plays and movies of Earth and even the occasional tidbit about himself which is what she lived for.

Staring at him as he baby-talked a fledgling Kyrosite, which to her looked like a blob of goo but apparently it would grow up into one of the galaxy's top scholars standing 10 feet tall, she was entranced by the way he cooed at the thing, the way his mouth moved around the nonsensical words he was saying.

Without realizing it, she smacked her lips, imagining what it would be like to just touch her mouth to his (when not being possessed). Abruptly she realized the Doctor's attention had snapped from the blob to her mouth, eyes slightly glazed and a flush spreading over his face.

She smiled a purely feminine smile. Looked like she wasn't the only one with a fascination for a pair of lips.

The loud and raucous bar was filled with species from all corners of the universe, consuming the varied beverages that added up to that nice buzz one looked for in getting a drink. There were Judoons and Hexcars sitting at a crowded table, no doubt trading bits of police tips to each other. There was a Grassi Priest playing pool with a Lorcan whom he pitied as the Grassi were known to be poor losers and even worse winners, of the violent kind.

The TARDIS had been hiccuping and he'd manage to land himself on a friendly sort of planet. He'd gone out on a walk as she had some rest and recovered. This bar had been the only lively place in the quiet neighborhood he'd landed and he'd wandered in, just wanting to see what it was like.

Heading towards the bar, he felt a double-thump to his hearts as he took in the gorgeous blonde who was currently smiling widely at an elephant-nosed creature's joke. There was a bit of pink tongue sticking out between her blazing white teeth and he felt himself revert a little to pre-Time Lord genes as he stared at it. Making his way to the bar, he sat next to Elephant Nose, not taking his eyes off of her.

Sensing his gaze, her brown eyes met him, humor still sparkling in her gaze. "Hullo, stranger." Her voice was husky and sweet, bringing back memories of sitting next to a green fire as he sipped down molasses-sweetened chocolate and he smiled at the thought and at her.

"The name's Doctor, the Doctor." He didn't know where that emphasis had come from but he mentally shrugged and decided to roll with it.

"Okay, 'Doctor, the Doctor', what'll it be?" She was amused and it showed, that pink tongue coming out to greet him once more. She leaned forward, her hair falling over her shoulder.

Unable to help himself, he too leaned forward until his lips were next to her ear and he whispered, "I'll have a martini, shaken, not stirred."

This last bit is more of a one-shot and because it was longer, I felt it was befitting that it ended off this little round of prompts!

Her hands reached out blindly in front of her, trying to find something that she could hold onto, some stable point of reference. She could feel tears forming at the corner of her eyes. He'd told her not to wander off and what had she done? Wandered off, that's right.

She'd wanted to explore more of the alien marketplace he'd brought her to while he haggled with a ship-parts distributor over the price of a thingamajig for some timey-wimey device. So she'd just moved down a little ways and rounded the corner and had been swept up by the swarm of bodies moving through the narrow streets.

She'd tried to make her way back to the Doctor but she'd been pushed aside by a towering brute of an alien who had three eyes and talons as hands. It'd sprayed her with a gas that had scratched at her eyes and she'd fought it off and stumbled away only to find that she was now blind.

The world was black; there wasn't even a variation of shades of gray. It was just darkness. The marketplace seemed to have been swept up into a vacuum. She couldn't see anything. She couldn't feel anything. It was as if she was in space, with the stars not even shining.

It seemed like hours since she'd been with the Doctor and she was so scared. He didn't know where she was and she wasn't even sure she was on the same planet anymore.


She turned left, hands out. Doctor! She swore she'd heard him. Trusting her instincts, she walked in that direction, ignoring the fact that she couldn't see her feet, that she wasn't even sure that she was still moving.

"Rose! I'm right here! Where are you? Oh, if you're lost…find me. Follow me."

Rose paused, realizing that she hadn't actually heard him with her ears. He was in her mind. And she could feel his anxiety and his worry over her and an underlying emotion that swept through it all that sent her own heart racing, not in fear but in excitement. She followed the tug, the pull of emotions and saw a light in the distance, a horizon approaching.

As she moved towards it, a figure moved in front, blocking the light and moving towards her rapidly. She didn't draw away because she recognized him. "Doctor!" she started running in his direction and was swept up in a fierce hug, his lean arms picking her up and holding her as close as he could.

"Oh, Rose. Rose, Rose, Rose. You silly human. You magnet for trouble." The words seemed scolding but the tone was one of affection and with that underlying emotion that Rose was hesitant to label but which warmed her from the top of her head and down to her toes.

He put her down but kept a grip on her hand, grinning happily at her. "Alright, let's get out of here."

Rose looked at him in confusion and he just winked at her and tugged her in the direction of the light. She followed him, trusting him always.

And opened her eyes to find the Doctor cradling her head, one hand cupping her cheek, his face inches away from her. She stared at him, his head haloed in the afternoon light, his eyes closed in concentration. Slowly, his own eyes opened and met hers. He removed his hand and helped her sit up.

She took in the surrounding alley of the marketplace in a daze. For there had been a stray thought that had made it's way to her just before the Doctor had ended the mental connection, a thought that had rocked her world.

Rose, my love.

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this little installment of random thoughts and prompts! I just had to finish up and move on to all the other muses calling to me!

character: ten, character: rose tyler, genre: drama, fanfic, genre: romance, character: eleven

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