Don't stress so much on the college. Just remember how much better things are going to be once you're on your own. Once you get to start living your own life the way you want to things will improve. The worste thing that could happen is you flunk out... so what, you can always go back again... and I highly doubt you're gonna flunk. In fact most people do poorly the first year... it's an adjustment, you get into the swing of things soon enough.
Huzzah on water retention! It's a lot better than the alternitive. I hope you don't feel the need to start cutting again... you don't need it and you've proved that by not doing it for so long.
Your issues with your weight are not your own... they're your mother's... she taught you how to have a poor self image and it's up to you to teach yourself how to have a good one. You're smart, funny, kind-hearted and pretty... Now BELIEVE IT CAUSE IT'S TRUE!!!!!!
I know they're Mom's fault... it only gets worse at dinner... family dinners are such BS. She sits there and says stuff like, "I shouldn't eat this!" and gives me these looks like, "You're disgusting."
I didn't cut all weekend, which I could not believe... you'll see that on today's entry tho.
Comments 2
The worste thing that could happen is you flunk out... so what, you can always go back again... and I highly doubt you're gonna flunk. In fact most people do poorly the first year... it's an adjustment, you get into the swing of things soon enough.
Huzzah on water retention! It's a lot better than the alternitive. I hope you don't feel the need to start cutting again... you don't need it and you've proved that by not doing it for so long.
Your issues with your weight are not your own... they're your mother's... she taught you how to have a poor self image and it's up to you to teach yourself how to have a good one. You're smart, funny, kind-hearted and pretty... Now BELIEVE IT CAUSE IT'S TRUE!!!!!!
I know they're Mom's fault... it only gets worse at dinner... family dinners are such BS. She sits there and says stuff like, "I shouldn't eat this!" and gives me these looks like, "You're disgusting."
I didn't cut all weekend, which I could not believe... you'll see that on today's entry tho.
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