This chic has great pics of the Used and My Chemical Romance.
And if you're into boy kissing... check out the HEARt album. <3
You've been warned. ;p
Ohhh, hafta talk about this real quick.. last night I had this demented dream. I was in some kind of outside mall I think...
Anyway, Josh and I are walking through this Oriental shop and we stop to look at earrings and the guy at the counter is acting all paranoid, so we walk out and poof! We're in a bakery. Suddenly these long, hoagie-type rolls come to life and start chasing us. We walk through this glass wall and we're safe. We watch as these fat, Italian men start jumping on the rolls, and out of nowhere, these huge pastries come out. One of the men screams somthing about squeezing out the insides, so they all start jumping on the pastries and the rolls are helping as they squeeze out the jelly.
X_X! Talk about retarded dreams.