random things and pics from months ago... oops, hahaa.

Feb 17, 2006 16:21

My head aches so horribly. Jesus, what is this autosaved draft thing? *raised eyebrow* Anyway! Must be a tension headache. I keep wanting to blame this late-April/early-May-like-weather, but the location of the pain... nah, it's stress. And my jaw, of course. Which was clicking really weirdly when I was trying to eat my wrap. It makes me lose my appetite. Which sucked to begin with... after I ate my *breakfast bar* this morning and had my Crapi-Sun Lemonade and then walked to Stats... holy sudden sickness, Robin! I thought I would puke and slash or faint, so I left. Jen told Dr. Rowan about it and she said she'd type up the notes for me. We're cool like that. *beats chest and makes that sign thing* At least I went to my other classes and at least I didn't have to present in Sexual Decisions again. Dr. Shelly Martin forgot. w00pw0000p. Maybe I'll be penalized for not reminding her... but I can come up with some, "Oh, well I forgot cos I was sick and all" excuse, which is not so far from the truth anyways! So yeah, last night I never did ramble on about how therapy went... it was good. I really think this lady is a good one. I hope I'm right though. I'm a bit discouraged about some of the school's lame ass policies. Well, I won't rant about it...
Shit. I didn't go to work, because I went to Kroger's. Well, fuck. One of the ladies I work for was there. Talk about AWKWARD.
There are certain pics I took during Winter Break that I meant to share and forgot until I saw lazatiger's post today.
This is my house... :D

I didn't use flash just to make my room look darker than it is. Hehee...

Yay, my keyboard!

Here's my backyard, and the pool, the first day I came back, before all the pretty snow melted...

Here's my Janet, whom I miss dearly...

Janet's tagless ass. :P
Heroin Kills Feet sticker, MCR Fire At Will sticker, AFI, Mr. Mackey saying, "Drugs are bad, mkay?" sticker, and the give blood thing.

My brudda! Willis. :P (Which he would kill me for saying.)

I usually call him Billum. XD

Ok, this next one is my sister's backyard last weekend but I thought it was really awesome looking. Plus it's all snowy...

This last one was taken the week before I left. Almost all the snow was gone but it was still hella cold. It was only 4 pm when me and Will were walking... It's the view you would have if you walked outta my house to the middle of the street and walked to the left. heh!

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