Feb 21, 2004 16:49
Crazy life lately. Rehearsing for two shows, and doing tech for one that opened on Thursday night. Adaptation. My roles get so many laughs, but opening night went well, despite how rushed it all seemed towards tech week. We'd do 2 runs of the show a night just to get it down to 45 min. Friday night went even better, and had a friend from BBW attend and KENDEN came! Today we had a 2 pm matinee and soon we will have an 8pm tonight. My parents are coming to tonight's show, and suffice to say I am a little nervous about them seeing the orgy scene but whatever.
Isn't it funny how things can be on the T? That rhymed and was lame but inintentional. I was on the T last night, totally tired, had my stage make up on which wasnt that BAD it was just like really thick lined eyelids and red lipstick, but anyhow- and there was this really hot guy waiting to get on the same T and we were like in line with eachother the whole time. I think he noticed me while we were waiting because when I am listening to my discman, I can't control the like bobbing of my head of my legs. CAN'T HIDE FROM THE BEAT! He was soooo my type. Kinda punk/emo, had lip ring nice hair, good clothes. And then I noticed while we were sitting on the T he kept looking at me....it became like prtty obvious that it wasnt cuz i was looking at him either...i would like look to see how often he would look at me and when he turned his head i averted my eyes. PSYCHO? maybe. SMART? for sure. It always happens like that. Two ppl notice each other, stare, but you are on public transportation and one of you gets off at a stop and you never see them again in your life. And as soon as you get off, you can;t HELP but be curious as to WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN IF I ONLY-
Sucks. No one is going out tonight after the show and it is fucking saturday night man...in other news: in exactly 9 days Blair Meadows will be of age to legally develop a drinking problem. I'm poor enough as it is, maybe i should go to a corner with an empty cup and start begging for change now so that i can start saving.