Vid link requests

Jun 04, 2014 20:17

I will be recovering from a "procedure" (if you've ever watched "City Slickers", I hope that word still makes you chuckle) over the next few weeks. I'd appreciate recs to great, interesting songvids. I suppose first choice would be vids in fandoms I have loved:

Any site that has the actual Glee performances, from the show, easily searchable/watchable. (I've found a lot of chaff on youtube searching for the wheat.)

Mag7 (group or C/B)

Burn Notice (Mike/Sam/Fiona just *worked* for me)

Almost Human (out like a shooting star, possibly for the best, for all they got wrong amidst the perfection of casting Michael Ealy and Karl Urban together)

Lost Girl


SW:TPM (oddly, I know)

Being Human (Brit or American, though I'm now following the American more closely)

Wiseguy (Frank/Vinnie; I'm sure there are MILLIONS out there ::cough::)

Hmmm... Spock/McCoy? (I'm always an outlier)

Or anything that looks like fun hotness.

Thanks in advance.


cross-posted from dreamwidth.


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