It's great when old things stand up to the test of time

Jun 30, 2013 15:29

Like "Wiseguy", which I watched a couple of years ago with great dread (is it going to be lame? Were my slash-and-love glasses so firmly affixed that I didn't see the lamitude and now I'm going to have to choke it down?): IT WAS GREAT. It remained great. Good writing, mostly good acting, wonderful character relationships all the way around.

Starsky & Hutch? Notsomuch for me (the relationship held--and held and held, beautifully; but the episodes were oftentimes a little painful).

Which brings me to Red Dwarf. How can a show that silly be that entertaining? It's partly nostalgia, I know (Sandy and I actually learned the "Tongue tied" dance together for absofuckinglutely no reason in the world). But it's also just *funny*. An industrial-type "danger" sign that shows a stick-figure person vomiting with their guts spilling out? HILARIOUS.

It makes me want to consider other old shows that might stand up, so I'm open to recommendations.

In other news, I'm open to new shows, and have a list longer than my arm that shows me I need to break down and buy a Netflix account. Maybe today's the day.

cross-posted from dreamwidth.
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