New Rant

Jan 30, 2009 22:42

so I got home form my french field trip at Ti Couz, and was literally bored out my mind. I was stuffed from eating too much, exhausted from worrying that something weird was going to happen to all of us, exhausted from eating too much food, tired from laughing too much, and basically just plain ol' tired from doing TOO MUCH. So what did I do? LAUNDRY!!! It was super duper amounts of fun, let me tell you. Once I did that though, I started thinking about my classes, (BTW: I got a B on my AP Gov final!!! SUPER JUICED!!!) and how last time in creative writing I wrote a terrible TERRIBLE rant. I decided to retry my rant, and I ended up with this:

Queen Bees

Yeah that’s right

I see you

You, that girl with the long blonde hair

You know,

The one that goes all the way

Down there

Yeah I see you.


The girl with the arrogant stare

Her nose

Way up in the air

Not a care in the world

As if angels walk in your footsteps


We can all see you

You in your too short skirt

Even though you look

Like angelina Jolie with that booty


You squeeze that ass of yours into a size 2

For all the world to see

Your butt jumping like compressed

basketballs in too small of a hoop


I see that

Even though you think your all that

With your straight A’s

And your perfect complection

The one that hasn’t gotten a zit in two years

Because you got proactive

While your mother can easily pay the taxes

And you don’t have to work for shit

Because your daddy can fix it

With a slip

Of the ATM card from his wallet

While your clackity shoes tramp down the hallways

Clacking all the way

Like horses on parade.


I can hear that

While others show their fear in every step you take

Afraid to compete with such perfection

Even though their genuine soul

Is better than yours

And you can’t even see it

While the other girls envy to be you

While you walk between guy after guy

Sitting on top of their laps individually

As if their laps were your throne for all to see

Because you are free

To be the hoe of the hallway


No one here is blind to you, ya see

Because we’ve known about you for years

You made it very clear when you showed up around here

That we were all inferior beings

And you

The queen bee of high school

That you were the one with the good gene pool

The tool for the job to get ahead

So it’s apparent that we need to act just like you

The members of your court

The jesters of the reject croud

All the art freaks

And wannabees

The jocks

And the hip hop rapers

We are just meer amusements

For the mean lean

Bitch machine

That cranks out the image of you

Because we all know you

You’re the girl that writes your number in the public bathroom stall

The one strutting down the hall

The tall


Model to be

In your too tight of jeans

And the overly sinched up shirt

That one that says something like

“kiss me I’m irish”

even though your only 1/5th

the one with huge tits

and you’re just lovin’ it

because every guy here can see you

Because you are the answer to their prayers

The Jessica Alba of the suburbs

The envy to everyones eye

Kissing every frog that comes your way

Hoping that it will be a prince


everyone else has proven to be such failures

but you know that it’s not important

you have friends in high places

the others with the pretty faces

the other girls who are exactly like you

in this overcrouded high school

with cool people hanging out exclusively with you

you know it just makes me sick

that you can just pick

who you can tourment with one look

it just makes me wish

that there was someone else to take your place

a girl with an even prettier face

who could go and tramp her way around to first base

before you could even see you’ve been replaced

wouldn’t that be just great?


It wouldn’t.

Because without you

There wouldn’t be something to try and overcome

There wouldn't be me writing the words to this here poem

There wouldn’t a world where everything was too easy

Because then everyone would become the queen bee

And there would be too many bitches in this sea

When all I wanted was to be me

Free from the people like you

I guess I should that you instead.

Because even though I see you

And even though I secretly want to be you

You are what keeps me grounded

From ending up a slut like you

So thank you queen bee

Of the teens

You just helped me figure out

How to be exactly the kind of girl I want to be

And that type of girl

Is me

yeah basically I like this one a lot better. Let me know what you think. It may be kind of mean, and even though I would totally read this at the poetry slam, I have a feeling that I might offend someone, and I don't really want to do that. I might write another one that is way more rant like with the whole rhyming thing about college, but it kind of depends. I'm about to fall asleep, so maybe I'll save that one until tomorrow.

poetry slam, ti couz, full, laundry, crepes, rant, bored

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