Spring Break Bordom

Mar 27, 2008 17:36

once again ladies...(only ladies now that I think about it...that needs to change), it is once again Spring Break. As is acustomed to spring break, I am once again doing nothing. Seriously, I'm wasting my entire break watching TV and eating chocolate. I should be doing a variety of other more important things,  homework, studying for APUSH, writting a novel, working out, making out with boys,  but alas, I am not. I was slightly productive today though. I did the laundry. YES THATS RIGHT, THE LAUNDRY! it was amazing, all the soap and the water...it was like cleaning bliss. *sarcastic happy sigh* I couldn't imagine doing anything better over my spring break, no doubt about that.

Today on the other lovely place that I chat with peopl, Facebook, I got a message from the number one person I hate : Britney Lew. She's our awful class president...and I can't stand her. All of our events planned fall short, we have no money for next year, all of our fundraisers are announced a day before the event so no one comes...she's a disaster as a president. Not to mention, she's one of the most annoying people, and to top it all off, she thinks she can sing when she can't. It's horrible....really really horrible. Anyways, I got a message from her asking me to vote for her as class president. Personaly, I dont want to. She sucks. However, her competition is also equally stupid...so I guess it just sucks in general having a persident who does nothing, verses an equally stupid president who will more then likely do stupid things. I hate our school.

On the plus side, I bought really awesome pencils today at Beverlys. They are these awesome many sized lead pencils, (darker lighter lines) so I can continue to practice drawing detailed pics of people. It's kind of fun in a way to challenge myself and draw people the way that they actually look. It takes a ton of effort...but hopefully I can make everything look as real as possible.

now I am off to once again do nothing productive with my time...and hopefully I will do something a little bit later with other people who didn't go to Beijing, Spain, New York...take your pick, I'm never gonna do something exciting over spring break. It just is never in the cards of the Katie L rule book. (rule number 57: Katie is not allowed to go on any spring break trips.) yup that about sums it up.

(ps: spring breka 2008 kind of rhymes, so that made me perky for like 2 seconds...ok go back to your knitting folks.)

pencils, laundry, president, spring break 2008, britney lew, beverlys

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