Wow. So. It feels like it's been years since my last post. But it's been less than a month.
I've been really busy with school and work and crap. I was blonde for about 3 weeks. I just dyed my hair red this evening though, so that's the end of that. The 5K went well, I ran it in 33:03 which is pretty good considering I only trained for 3 weeks and I fell down some stairs a few days earlier. I'm gonna keep up with the running, but I think less intensely than while I was training for this race. Probably only once a week plus a few days at the gym.
For some reason it doesn't stop with the boys. Maybe cause I lost a bunch of weight or maybe cause I'm sort of trying to take more care of my appearance, I dunno. I like it but I'm wierded out cause normally when it comes to guy stuff I'm always freaking out and overthinking it. I'm NOT overthinking any of this stuff, I'm just kind of letting it happen. Maybe that's why things are working out. Or maybe it's cause I don't really have enough time to sit and think or to get too attached and I'm too busy thinking about my real life to worry about boys. I'm a bit worried that one of them is getting very attached to me, mostly because I'm not planning on staying in Hamilton and he is. That and I'm not nuts about him. That sort of sounds wrong, because he's wonderful and sweet and he makes me laugh and he's cute... I'm just not ga-ga, you know? Anyway. I'm sure he'll get over me when I leave.
My birthday was good. Nothing spectacular. The day before Jeff showed up with a cute card and we hung out for a few hours and the day of my parents and Joe came out to take me to dinner (Red Lobster!). My dad got me a Nacho Libre talking pen. It's hilarious. I hadn't seen the movie so I had to download and watch it. It's alright. The pen's better. I also got some cute running gear from John/Puma. He's sponsered by them so he gets this stuff for free. It's pretty sweet. Incentive to keep running. And my friend Dan said that when things are less busy, the two of us can go run together. I've never had a running buddy before. :)
Anyway. I had a couple midterms and assignments due last week, this week is shaping up to be the same. SO busy, SO tired, but things are good.
Tonight, going out with Sarah, Danielle and Summer to some place in Burlington for birthday drinks (it was Danielle's birthday on Thursday - go libra!) and then tomorrow more homework and laundry. Woo!
I will leave you with my latest desktop pic, sent to me by Cameron because I'm miss Library (I work IN the library, but I'm not actually a librarian or do anything really related to books).
Also, hi to my new friend (well, old friend, but new lj-friend) Geoff! Hiya!