Aug 08, 2006 13:50
I have never had a problem with disenrollment before UNM switched to their new system. Now, all the paperwork is a week behind, so I will be disenrolled for non-payment even though I HAVE financial aid WAITING for me once they look at my fucking paperwork.
(I know its not their fault, but I could do evil things to the people in finacial aid and the busars right now.)
So, it seems I am once again at a crossroads. Do I:
a. Make a payment plan, and pull 400-and some odd dollars out of . . . somehwhere . . . so I dont get disenrolled.
b. Do nothing, be disenrolled and re-sign up for classes after my financial aid comes through.
The lines are open. America (and the rest of the world for that matter), begin voting . . . . NOW!