Jun 22, 2007 16:45
I'm so proud of my man. After the shit that went down this week, he's stayed strong, and I admire him for that. My one main concern is that he's not happy. Its so tough being told ur life is going to change, expecially if it means medication as well. I really hope that throughout his life it wont hinder him in any way shape, or form, and make sure that he stays the same loveable bloke ive known from the beginning. I'm just so worried that he'll not be happy. I don't ever want to hear bad news again.
Sometimes I think that people get overshadowed, and i'm trying hard not to show it. Our lifestyle has to change dramatically, and it effects me too. If he needs insulin injections, I'll have to help. If he need hospital for a few days, he'll need me there. Theres an invisible pressure on me at the moment, and I feel so ashamed for thinking like this instead of his needs. But, i'm not gonna let it change a thing. Were still going on holiday together, getting a house and the other things normal people do. Because in the end I suppose its how you get on with you're life, isn't it?
I got signed on at work the other day, and it seemed so pathetic compared to what had been going on. Money doesn't matter, work doesn't matter, all I cared about at the time was how he was feeling. I haven't even congratulated myself yet, other things seem too important. And they still do. Made me realise a lot of things about myself this week. Talking to Pat all I could talk about was Ryan, and how upset I was about the whole situation. So i realised, nothing matters at all in life, material things and money is all so stupid, when you could be with the only the person who makes you happy, just for a little bit longer.