Mar 10, 2005 21:49
You can always tell when Im pissed off. I watch drop dead Fred to cheer me up. There is just something abouyt Fred that makes me happy lol that could sound sooo wrong...
Neways just had a shit shift at work, cuz dan was in and he was annoying me so much, "whats the matter, whats up, why are you pissed off" when the fuck is he going to realise the problem is HIM! For fucks sake, im gonna take Ruth's approach soon and kick him in the head and STAMP on his face. Ha. He doesnt do anything wrong really, but he just is sooo big headed and wrong. I dont like him but I do. Its so confusing. I hated his comment, "John has gone off you." FUCK YOU, DICKHEAD. GRRRR. I hate to be so pissed off, I really feel like crying. Hence I have just bought Hamlet ^_^ and is watching drop dead fred. I need sum1 to talk to, a psychiatrist would be nice!!