ehh so today err sucked...hahahha this morning, we made vegetable soup in Weller. haha wow my cooking group is out of this world! Too bad Paul-age sucks and he sprayed me with the water, sink, spray, thing! =( haha, oh well, I guess it was pretty funny, heh heh then Nige and I got him back. Heh. Ah, so yeah, then afterwards I'm walking upstairs alone and aaah I tripped on the stairs hahahah I laughed, but there was no one around to laugh with I felt pretty retarded....hahaha, but Colette cheered me up and laughed at me afterwards....alas Alex just made me feel retarded again....aaah what the fuuuuck....oh well, I guess we're okay. Ahh then in science I missed Christine so much!! then I got another detention from Mr. Meyer, but then I told him that if I got another detention [although that would've only been my second] that my mom would make me move to Portland and live with my dad! pssh but she probably would....yeah, so then the rest of my day just sucked a lottttt...oh well...I have no homework? whatevs....but I put new pictures up, so check them out. Ahh and poor Lauren, dear, I guess she didn't have such a good birthday...oh well I guess she's shopping now, thats good...aaah and Steph got her braces off!! woo! alright.... later kids.