Outdoor Fun

Mar 22, 2011 13:49

A note on one of the tables advertises a semi-spontaneous event just out the door.

You are invited!

Who?: All loft visitors!

What?:  A picnic

When?:  Today!

Where?: outside, open the door to World's End and look to the right.

Why?:  Free food?

It's a beautiful day in World's End,  a clear blue sky and tiny fluffy clouds.  There is a slight chill  ( Read more... )

[character] arisa, [character] senri, [character] taiki, [character] imogene, [character] emery, [character] ghost, [character] copper

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shaherizad March 23 2011, 20:52:03 UTC
Copper opens the door and sniffs the air. Her strong wolf nose picks up the inviting scent of food, though perhaps there are too many vegetables to her liking. But it will be nice to eat a meal under the open sky again with a group of people, just like she used to.

She maintains her human shape so that she doesn't startle the others already relaxing on the blankets. Tugging her fur-lined coat close against the breeze, she walks out and waves.


queenisme1 March 23 2011, 21:17:47 UTC
Arisa turns and nudges Isme, who sits up and looks at Copper. She squints for a second and then sits up and waves.

"I think I know her from school"

"That's nice." Arisa says, closing the basket again. "What's her name?"

At this question Imogene blinks blankly at her older friend. She then stands up.

"I'll go find out." She says, walking towards the girl.

"Hi!" She says. "Here for the picnic? Come sit down. You go to the school here, right?"


shaherizad March 23 2011, 21:45:22 UTC
"Thanks," Copper flashes a shy smile and accepts the offer of a seat. She tucks her legs under her before continuing. "Yes. I just started here, actually, so I don't really know many people." She looks down at that, then remembers what her pack mother taught her about humans and sticks out her hand. "My name's Copper."


queenisme1 March 23 2011, 21:50:26 UTC
Imogene accepts the hand, smiles and shakes. "Imogene!" She makes a face as she lets go "I guess that's why I didn't remember your name. I'm fairly new there myself, and I keep having to miss for...family stuff."

She reaches down for a pastry, but, looking at Arisa and remembering her manners, Imogene frowns and takes up the whole plate instead and offers it to the newly arrived guest.

"Would you like a cream puff?"


shaherizad March 23 2011, 21:56:08 UTC
"I see," Copper is curious about what 'family stuff' could mean, but she keeps that to herself, not wanting to spoil the conversation.

She blinks at the offer of a cream puff, then blushes nervously. "U-um..." she takes one tentatively, uncomfortably holding it between two fingers. "Sure? Thank you." She glances at Imogene, hoping to learn how to eat this sort of strange food. Human methods of eating are often odd.


queenisme1 March 23 2011, 23:50:15 UTC
Unfortunatly for Copper, Imogene is not in the mood to use her manners to the upmost and, when she has set down the plate and gathered a pastry of her own, begins to disect it and lick the cream out from the middle, then eat whatever bit she has torn off after the cream has been effectively removed. It is a bizare sort of method and seems to be derived more for enjoyment than efficency. Soon there is cream all over her fingers, which she licks off.

She talks around it. "Where are you from? You don't need to be shy. I don't bite or anything."


dainty_ofcourse March 24 2011, 00:22:00 UTC
"She might. I wouldn't put it past her." Senri calls from a nearby blanket, ever the helpful one.


shaherizad March 24 2011, 01:17:41 UTC
Copper studies Imogene, though she attempts to be subtle about it. Then she imitates her. Unfortunately, being unpracticed, Copper soon ends up with cream all over her face as well as her fingers.

At Imogene's comment about not biting, Copper smiles. She always finds it amusing when humans say that. "My family lives in the forest to the north-east of here. What about you?"


queenisme1 March 24 2011, 01:56:49 UTC
Imogne giggles and passes Copper a napkin. She gestures to the girl's face. "You've got a bit of cream.."

"I live in a place called Anjuli. I use the Doors to go to school here. It's a nice school though, when I can go. I like being around so many other kids. Have you gone to many schools before?" Imogene has a bit of an obsession with schools now. Deny a child something long enough...


shaherizad March 24 2011, 02:02:20 UTC
Copper smiles back sheepishly and wipes her face, getting all of the cream that she can feel, but leaving a bit on her left cheek. "Thanks. This cream stuff gets everywhere, doesn't it?"

"The doors?" She repeats, looking puzzled. It's obvious to her from the way Imogene phrased it that these aren't normal doors.

Imogene's sudden question startles her, and she blushes again and looks down, fidgeting with the blanket. "N-no, this is the first school I've been to. Before that I was..." what was that word her pack-mother tried to teach her? "Umm...house-schooled."


queenisme1 March 24 2011, 11:38:02 UTC
OOC: Sorry, got distracted by chooores

Senri does get a glare, but Imogene moves on chatting. After all, Senri is being polite to Arisa, and that counts for something in Imogene's book

She grins at the other girl "Oh, you haven't used the Doors? They are wonderful. They let you pass back and forth to other worlds, like in storybooks.

She waves off the girl's comment, apparently not thinking it strange at all. "It's my first school too. Isn't it wonderful? all the other kids. And we can wear whatever we want.." She pauses and picks up some olives, tossing one towards her mouth and missing. She makes a face and eats the other in a more subdued manner. "Do you have a big family?" she asks.


shaherizad March 24 2011, 17:38:23 UTC
OOC: No worries. I went to bed. XD But now it's morning!!

Copper frowns thoughtfully, trying to imagine what it would be like to see "other worlds." "Ah...I see..."

She pauses for a moment, trying to think of how to respond to Imogene's question. She likes the girl, so she wants to be honest, but not too honest in case she startles or scares her. "It's fairly big by...most standards," human standards, "but definitely not as big as it could be, especially since my big brothers left."

She glanced over Imogene's shoulder at the basket, wondering if there was any meat of some sort in there. The cream puff had been too sweet for her.


queenisme1 March 25 2011, 00:16:48 UTC
"I only have one half brother and he's a baby." Imogene says. "I suppose that's why I am so glad to..." She stops and rethinks her conversation. "Well, never mind that." She glances at the girls face and realizes that there is still a bit of cream there. "You missed a spot. Have another napkin. I have a mirror in my pocket if you would like..."

She looks over her shoulder herself. "Are you hungry? I think there is salad and some sandwiches yet. Some cheese too, and peperoni. Arisa went all out. What would you like?"


shaherizad March 25 2011, 05:03:21 UTC
OOC: Sorry!!! I wasn't planning on being out of my house all day. @.@

"Oh!" Copper touched around her lips, trying to find the stray cream. When she was unsuccessful, she smiled sheepishly. "It would be great if I could use your mirror."

"Can I have some peperoni?" Copper asked, almost before Imogene could finish her sentence. She sat up straighter, eager for meat.


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