Haunted Palace

Nov 14, 2011 15:46

Note: This particular post is open only to Taiki and Imogene.  But there are other rp posts further down open to all!

Every good castle is haunted )

[character] taiki, [character] imogene

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since Gabe insists on telling the whole darn book I guess he needs a new thread serialfiller November 19 2011, 12:25:48 UTC
Gabe leans against the wall, as he said he would and waits for the others to get a little closer. "I...I want to know from you, Brier. What happened in this corridor." He admits. "I...have a reason. But first I will tell you what happened to us."

Gabriel is a shy man most of the time, but when pressed he can talk a great deal. "We went from here to the throne room. We didn't want to leave you. I want you to know that we didn't want to leave you. But you told us to, and we could be no help to you, and you...you told us to. So we went to the throne room and hid under the pews, as we had planned all along. And we waited there, until the guests for the coronation arrived...are we boring you Mr. Kayashima? I can speed the narrative up."

"When things got underway, we crawled into the open and pushed our way through the crowd and I hung back as..." He glances at Imogene. "Your majesty, would you be so kind as to get me the book on the day?"

"I think you know the story well enough." Imogene says.


Imogene frowns. She knows what is up. She knows that Gabriel just wants her out of the room for a minute. She puts her hands on her hips and walks out.

"You should have seen her, Brier." Gabriel whispers, looking down because he can't see the ghost and he doubts Taiki cares. "You should have seen her. She stepped out from the crowd and she was wearing that terrible ragged coat and all a mess but she held her head high and she rolled back her shoulders and she was...how is it the bard puts it? Every inch a queen."

At this the ghost smiles. She looks after the direction Imogene went.

"She still plays tricks and she still does silly things in private, in the loft and such, but she's grown up, Brier. You don't need to worry over her, if you do. She can handle what she has been given, I swear it. She's going to be a good queen and it is all thanks to you."

"Mr. Kashma?" Brier butchers the name. "I am glad to hear this...but...Could you tell him to finish the story?"


a_peaceful_aura November 19 2011, 22:50:48 UTC
If there's one thing Taiki loves (besides tea and solitude), it's someone telling a story. Full attention is on Gabe during the entire retelling!

"Ah," a glance to Brier when she speaks up but doesn't bother to correct the name flub. "She says: 'finish it up'."


serialfiller November 22 2011, 12:57:59 UTC
Gabe smiles. "Imogene told them concisely, about Xanti murdering her father to take the throne. And of course Imogene's uncle said she was and impostor and ranted and railed. He called for the guards..." Here Gabe pauses and scratches his head, thinking about the fact that the guards in question must have been Brier's acquaintances.

"He called for the guards to seize her. They did. It was heartbreaking to watch all those big men grab her, she kind of...crumpled on the ground. I tried to push through to her but they were holding back the crowd by then. But she called her mother and asked Lady Quirnia if she would let her daughter be taken away. "

"By now Imogene was on her knees with all of these men around her, Lady Quirnia, I will give her credit, stepped out of the box where she was sitting and bent to look her in the face. I am not a fan of the Queen's mother, Brier. I know you know her. You knew her. But she did the right thing, then. She looked at Imogene in the face and then she reached back and looked under her shirt, for the birthmark on her shoulder, despite the dirty rags. Then she said 'release her. This is my daughter."

He bites his lip. "At least I think that is what she said. It was to that effect"

"Well all hell broke loose...excuse my language. Chaos broke loose and I yelled for someone to grab Xanti but no one seemed to have thought that he might try to leave or hurt Imogene. They were all busy helping her up and being revereant and trying to get a closer look at her. He, Xanti that is, pulled a pistol. Everyone saw it and a few of the guards went for him. I went for Imogene. The shot went off right after I had pushed her down and..." Gabe gestures to his leg.

He decides that maybe it is better not to tell her about the escape, the war, the drama of the last three years. Better to cut to the chase, since he has talked so long. "He's dead, Brier. I know...I know he hurt you. I know he did terrible things. But he's dead now. He won't hurt anyone ever again. You did your duty. You protected us. Your sacrifice saved us. And maybe the kingdom."

He looks at Taiki, wondering if that is enough. Around now Imogene comes back, carrying a book. Brier is looking very thoughtful, and a bit like she might cry if she were human. She looks at Taiki as well and swallows. "Um. Thank him. Please. On my behalf. and...uh. Thank you. For..." she gestured vaguely. "For helping. For telling them and sitting through all this and things."


a_peaceful_aura November 22 2011, 13:23:24 UTC
It's a bit amazing to Taiki that he's acquainted with the individuals in Mr. Imeson's story. He listens, fascinated and knowing that he would never have guessed from the limited interaction he has with them. Learning the details behind others' auras is always quite revealing -- the reasons for certain color intersections and triggers, both public and private.

He's caught up trying to disect and paste this new knowledge to previous interactions with the three individuals when Brier speaks up. There is a moment where his mind has to catch up and Taiki pauses, glancing from the ghost to the two living. "She says thank you." He's kept a bit of distance, hanging around the fringes to keep from intruding and also avoiding pesky flying emotions. "And I am happy to," comes Brier's reply when she thanks him. He's curious what will happen to her since these revelations, wondering if it's enough for her to remember, for the spiritual body to heal from that nasty looking torso wound, and perhaps move on.


queenisme1 November 22 2011, 18:42:30 UTC
The torso wound has indeed faded, to more of a faint smudge and Brier seems completly calm, completely "with it". Imogene pages through the book. She is about to show it to Brier when Gabe shakes his head, disappoving. Imogene frowns and looks instead to Taiki. "Do you think it is ok to show her herself in the history book? It is a very dramatic picture."

Gabe sighs. "she can hear you, Imogene," he says


a_peaceful_aura November 22 2011, 18:55:16 UTC
A curious glance between Gabe and Imogene at the exchange. "...Is it flattering?" He asks, teasing a bit. Eventually he looks to Brier, leaving the decision to her.


serialfiller November 22 2011, 19:16:24 UTC
"Oh! Very flattering" Imogene insists. Gabe sighs. "That's not the problem..." He says. But before he can try to delicately explain why he is against the idea, Imogene flips it around to show what is, in fact, a very dramatic picture.

Some liberties have been taken with Brier's appearance. Her hair is longer and her figure is a more classic female form. She is standing in front of a fairly sinister looking Xanti, swooning with a hand on her side and the other out. It puts one in mind of the paintings of deaths in battle one sees at art museums. Brier coughs. She blinks. Then she looks at Taiki. "I am not sure...I think maybe I should laugh."


a_peaceful_aura November 23 2011, 15:01:34 UTC
...Yes. That is exactly what he'd been hoping for. Romantic interpretation will never cease to be entertaining to the psychic. "It is quite obvious that the individual who commissioned the piece held you in very high regard." He tells Brier, maintaining that flat-affect expression that he's so skilled at.


Oh man. These people are swashbucklers. Overblown and Romantic is their forte queenisme1 November 23 2011, 19:13:56 UTC
"Maybe." Brier says, the closest she will come to agreeing.

This ghost is not the same as the Brier Taiki had met in the loft but she is certainly a lot closer. "There is one more thing that is worrying me." She admits. If this was not true, obviously, she would not be here. "My family...could you ask them to ask after my family?". She bites her lip, aware that she has already asked a great deal of both Taiki and the living pair who is standing awkwardly by the tapestry.


a_peaceful_aura November 23 2011, 19:23:09 UTC
An agreeable nod and he reluctantly shifts attention from the lovely recreation to Imogene and Gabe. These details are the best part of his job. "Is there information about her family?"


queenisme1 November 23 2011, 21:53:00 UTC
Imogene is visibly disappointed that more interest has not been taken in the book she had to search for. "Don't you want to see the rest of the pictures? I could read you the rest of the story aloud. It is even more dramatic than the real thing."

Gabe, meanwhile actually adresses the question. "I am given to believe they have received her pension. Is...that sufficient?"


a_peaceful_aura November 23 2011, 21:56:09 UTC
Taiki will jump at the chance to see the book! "I would like to see if, if I may." She had him at 'even more dramatic than the real thing'. It's just like reading his cheesy horror novels...

A glance to Brier while he relocates, waiting for her reaction.


serialfiller November 24 2011, 00:16:20 UTC
Imogene passes over the cheesy book happily "There are two more copies in the library upstairs. the author seemed to think we would be flattered" she says. She passed over the lurid volume with a grin.

Meanwhile Brier is tilting her head, and thinking. "I...suppose that is all that can be expected." She says. She looks at Taiki. I...they don't have to stay, if they don't want to. I feel better now.


a_peaceful_aura November 27 2011, 19:31:09 UTC
Black eyes gleam a little when Taiki takes the book. He immediately leafs through the pages, interest skipping here and there when words or images snag his attention. It's one of those rare moments where he finally looks as young as he is. "May I borrow it?" Comes the natural question, though Taiki is careful enough to keep his voice neutral, allowing Imogene to decline without any added pressure.

"Expected? If there is something you would like then you should speak up -- I am a spirit medium, not a mind reader." A phrase that saw more use when he was younger but it's still presented with good-natured amusement.


serialfiller November 28 2011, 13:18:46 UTC
The book probably will not disappoint. On quick perusal Taiki can see the use of words which only appear in this kind of work. "Intrepid" "Wiked" "heroic" "Dastardly" What is probably Imogene is a tiny girl in picturesque rags which fall over her shoulder, much like a depiction of the little match girl. Gabriel is depicted with short, black hair and spectacles and looks a fair bit more like...oh...Senri than himself. He has patches on his trousers and jacket, which are otherwise cut in very high style. These patches are perhaps to show his class, but he is also carrying an awl throughout in case one was to forget. Brier is throughout a beautiful woman with flowing locks and an unrealistic shape.

"Just bring it back someday" Imogene says. "and...don't show Fritz."

Brier, meanwhile, is chewing her ghostly lip. "I think...I think I might feel better if someone went to see them. To make sure they were going to be...they were going to make it. And if...maybe. Some of them came here. Or to my grave. I have a grave?"


a_peaceful_aura November 28 2011, 15:25:34 UTC
He's itching to comb through the book properly but Brier does come first. Reluctantly, Taiki closes the volume. It's carefully stored next to his laptop in the leather bag hanging off one bony shoulder and the affectless presence returns.

There's some hesitation while Brier speaks and he pauses before turning to Imogene and Gabe. "If someone could check in on her family and make sure they are doing well. Perhaps invite them to pay their respects with you at her grave?" It's a bit censored but he's had a few unpleasant experiences -- Imogene and Gabe are certainly the exception to the rule when it comes to revelations that loved ones have not completely passed on...


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