Mar 19, 2009 14:23
Everybody always talks about what it's supposed to feel like, having ultimate power and what they would do with it. it's a ridiculous conversation and a ridiculous topic. Nobody ever stops to realize with greater power usuallly comes more responsibility than most of us can handle. With absolute power? Give me a break, ladies and gentleman.
Power is holding an infant you've delivered in the palm of your hand and realizing it's almost ten pounds underweight. The baby is born from parents living Down-Below, and her future isn't certain. Power is knowing you have the ability to end the infant's suffereng before it even realizes what suffering is, but responsibility is knowing you won't do that. It's knowing you also have the power to spend the Med-Lab's discreationary funds to make sure the infant lasts the next month. Not for fame, not for prestige, and certainly not for the assinine humanitarian awards people keep wanting to throw in my face in front of a camera crew. I save lives, I start lives, sometimes I improve their quality, and sometimes I watch them end. Power is doing this day in and day out, making decisions only a god should make. Responsibility is understanding your not a god.