sunday // let's be friends~

Mar 12, 2009 08:21

Muse's Name: Emil Castagnier, though he has other names in this deviance from canon. Ahem.
Mun name / nickname: Saffy ♥
Muse's Fandom: Tales of Symphonia 2: Dawn of the New World
Summary of Muse: Emil seems like a shy young failure of a knight trying to save the world and restore the balance of nature and magic at first... but his identity is at the core of the conflict. This is a slightly AU journal where he's actually an amnesiac, and while I progress him through canon, his false memories are beginning to fall away. Basically, there's a human-hating summon spirit inhabiting the same body as his victim, and there's a third, 'false' personality covering all of that up. This ought to be interesting. Since I'm afraid I won't be able to pull it off, I've been writing for him like crazy. XD;
Journal Content / Warnings: Ummm. Aside from the HUGE SPOILERS about both games, and possible abuse/slavery/whathaveyou that the half-elves underwent in Sybak, uh... there's no squick. I'm rather squicky myself so if there's something gory in there I'll warn you YEARS ahead of time.
Looking for: Just... practice writing this guy? RP is good too.
Any other information: Right now he's in the beginning of his story so he's an adorable little failure. ... Until his "dormant personality" comes out. Everything you could ever need to know about him is on his journal, but here's the permissions meme for your reference, and a list of tags.


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