Mar 12, 2009 11:07

Muse's Name: Aphrael. But she also goes by Flute and Danae (who are totally separate reincarnations of her)

Mun name / nickname: Kiki

Muse's Fandom: Aphrael is a character (characters? That's also a valid way to put it!) from David and Leigh Eddings's Elenium and Tamuli novels. With, obviously, a bit of a twist so she can interact with here-and-now muses if she so wishes... she's a portable divinity, she can do things!

Summary of Muse: Aphrael is one of the (one thousand) Younger Gods of Styricum, and is known as the Child-Goddess, as her preferred form is that of a six-year old girl with grass-stained feet. She has three known incarnations: Danae, the daughter of Sir Sparhawk and Queen Ehlana; her true form, presumably that of an adult woman; and the form of Flute, the originally appearing six-year old girl (she takes the form of a child as people trust children more). Due to her habit of being reborn to a mortal follower, Aphrael's 'Flute' incarnation was a sister to Sephrenia.

Journal Content / Warnings: Journal content may be sparse, random, and weird. Aphrael has a strange little set of interests and what will get posted might be totally unexpected. Also, while her usual form is that of a child, her awareness is much older. There may, if plot decrees it so, content of violent or sexual nature. If so, it will be clearly labeled and probably put behind a cut.

Looking for: Hah. Aphrael is rather fond of being loved? Sometimes she decides to do things and talk to people, but the logic of it still evades me. (Besides a preference for older, intelligent, broken men with a cruel or violent streak - sorry, Sparhawk, that includes you too - but she's far from willing to limit herself with such.)

Any other information: Aphrael is a goddess, but I do my best to not godmod people, because that is just not nice. She's likely to at the very least be able to know things that happened / were talked about when she wasn't around, but even that, I try to use cautiously. If you feel that I'm godmodding or about to godmod your muse, tell me immediately - ooc comment, PM, etc.


Muse's Name: Justine (gift_girl)

Mun name / nickname: Same as above.

Muse's Fandom: Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files novels

Summary of Muse: In a world where wizards, vampires (three varieties), Knights of the Cross, werewolves (... four varieties, if memory serves me right), dragons, Sidhe, and what not converge on the story, Justine is actually a plain vanilla human woman. Tall, sweetly beautiful, intelligent, charming. She was for five years a doe of (primarily, methinks) Thomas Raith, the (sole surviving) son of Lord Raith, the king of the White Court vampires. (They don't drink blood. FYI. Link contains spoilers for the series.) After a certain event (occurring in the novel Blood Rites), Justine is rendered physically untouchable for White Court vampires, including Thomas - who loves her, and she loves him back. After the same event, her previously dark hair turns entirely white.
After that, Justine remains employed by the Raith family, by and under the protection of Thomas's sister Lara.

Journal Content / Warnings: There will be posts with warnings of various nature - from (possibly) a minor's sexual involvement, through other sexual content, to violence of different shapes and sizes. Mostly, the journal holds roleplay logs and ficlettes, with occasional meme/quiz burst. Various 'verses are labeled accordingly; squicks, long posts, and spoilers go behind cuts, etc.

Looking for: I'm mostly looking for ways to develop the muse; Justine... well. She is there. Trying to make things a little less difficult for Thomas, somehow.

Any other information: I haven't gone to manip the PB's hair white for the 'after' icons, using blonde icons for that instead. Generally, posts with dark hair are dated before Blood Rites (or belong to 'verses where the events from that time do not happen), and blonde icons indicate more recent events and/or relevant AUs.


Muse's Name: Dean Winchester (winchesterjerk)

Mun name / nickname: Still same as above. Shocking, I know.

Muse's Fandom: The TV series Supernatural, created by Eric Kripke.

Summary of Muse: Ah... Dean and his brother Sam are Hunters. Which mean they hunt and destroy things that go 'bump' (usually) in the night. They're also currently caught up a little in a war between Hell and its demons, and Heaven and its angels. Dean is... far from happy with the situation.
He's jerky, doesn't sugarcoat, is physically very fit and good with all kinds of weapons, due to training and lifestyle since he was almost five years old. Some pretty bad things have happened to the Winchesters, but the boys keep on going somehow.
Dean is also unlikely to be honest about who he is and what he does; usually, he and Sam pose as having other professions, depending on situation.
Oh, and Dean likes women. (Except for the 'verses where he's pretty much committed to Cassie) That said, he seldom comes back - with him, it's literally 'no strings attached'. He'll be nice and good about it, the women aren't left swearing and broken-hearted over him if he can help it (and he usually can and does), but don't keep your hopes too high that he'll show up again. >.>
Very spoilery, also? He is technically way older than the 30 that he looks / that he turned recently.
Oh, and he's a very good car mechanic. As the way his 1967 Chevy Impala's purring can testify.
And he loves pie. Seriously.

Journal Content / Warnings: Heh. Anything and everything. Fics, roleplay, quizzes, memes, rants, rambles. Warnings? Language, violence, sex, spoilers. Usually cut and labeled, because it's nice.

Looking for: Mostly, he has things to say (or think, or do) about the prompts here? He's fairly open to communication; however, do not expect too much of it to be honest or complete on his part.

Any other information: He's turning out to be a very good listener, which possibly comes from being intelligent (and he is, very, both the boys are) and from having had to procure information about the cases, from people, since forever. With an added bit where the fact that he's been through anything, literally through hell and back, so there is little that he cannot handle some way. (Whether or not that way is good or not is an entirely different bowl of spaghetti.)

gift_girl, winchesterjerk, grasstainedfeet

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