Heck goes dating

Oct 19, 2008 22:09

Though Charmaine only stood five foot three inches tall, her will was formidable. Heck couldn't budge her when she got her mind set to something- and set it was that he should go to this 'speed dating' event.

"But, darling dearest sister - I have work to do! The dead won't raise themselves you know. Four new cases require attention this week- and there's still the Henderson matter," he said, trying to escape her iron grip as she propelled him towards the office door.

"Mrs. Henderson has been dead for twenty years," Charmaine said. "She can wait another night."

"But her husband wants her reanimated in time for their fiftieth wedding anniversary," he insisted, scooting sideways so he stuck in the doorframe.

Charmaine was undeterred, and simply kicked him in the posterior until he crossed the threshold. "Get in the hearse, Heck, before you need some reanimation of your own. I mean it. You're going to get out there and find some living companionship. People are starting to talk about you and Rhonda again..."

"Ah, Rhonda - my little corpseflower," Heck said, folding his hands over his heart in dramatic mock-admiration. Rhonda was a great secretary - one of his best reanimations too. Aside from a slight mottling of her skin and the smell of rotting flesh, you couldn't even really tell she was a zombie. Still, he was a necromancer, not a necrophiliac.

Charmaine just sighed and pressed the keys to the hearse into her brother's hand. "Now you go straight to that speed dating event, and don't you come back until you've had at least one conversation with a living being that isn't either a relative or a client. I mean it, Heck."

Defeated, he sighed dramatically, and tipped his top hat to the victor. "Yes ma'am. One conversation with a living being. Understood."

It wouldn't be that hard, would it? Heck got into the hearse (which had advertisement for his company, Necrotic Technologies, on the side) and drove out of Trembleton and towards the city. At least when he drove the CorpseMobile he was advertising to the motorists he passed. Never knew when one of them might turn out to be a future client.

Parking in the city was always a challenge, especially with a vehicle of considerable length. Finally he found a spot, and walked the block and a half towards the cafe where the event was being held. With a resigned sigh, he stepped inside, registered, and settled at a table.

One conversation with a living being - how hard could it be? At least they had coffee- his caffeinated drug of choice. He sipped a cup as he waited for someone to approach.

raindrop_jewel, hector_styles, so_necromantic, rp

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