(no subject)

Jan 27, 2009 16:12

1. What gender of character do you play more of, male or female? Why?

Female, definitely female

2. Is this different or the same as your own gender?

The same.

3. Do you find that your gender makes it easier or more challenging to play your characters?

It makes it easier in some regards but not really, it depends on the characters personality more then their gender I'd say, it helps a little in defining a characters sexuality I suppose but apart from that it's more based on personality.

4. What sexuality / gender identity do your characters have?

It depends, though I'd say on average... Most of them are bisexual, a few on them are heterosexual, one or two are homosexual.

5. How does your character's sexuality and gender identity define / affect their personality?


It depends again I suppose, for some of them it is quite a major driving force, for others of them (Annabelle (Outtayourworld) for certain) it's no big deal really.

6. Do you tend to predominantly play characters of a certain sexuality? If so, why?

Yeah, bisexuality I suppose... Mainly because I'm bisexual myself so some of it might stem from that but also because I believe that most (if not all) humans have had at least one experience of looking at the same sex and I like to play on that, nearly all of my characters are quite firmly on the side of loving whoever you want to also so that might affect it a little.

7. To what extent to you write / play your character's sexual or romantic life?

Not much, there are hints but I can't legally go further then that... At least on teh sexual side, I don't much like writing romance anyway.

8. How has the character's romantic life affected his character development?

Quite a bit I'd say, I'm a firm believer that romance shapes most people to an extent and so my characters are often shaped by it... There are exceptions though (see Susie) and I certainly don't believe romance is absolutely everything, I just believe that it's fun to play with romantic relationships.

9. Do you set 'ships' or plan for your characters to be together with other characters, or do you allow their relationships to develop organically? Why?

I've set ships once or twice but mainly I tend to let my characters form them naturally... It's funner that way and probably better for the character.

10. Do you change the gender identities / preferred sexualities of canon characters? Why / why not?

Not really, I may poke at a few details if they are very vague (I tend to play the vague ones) but mostly I leave them as they are, it just seems right somehow.


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