Chat RP-- Spike And Ellis

Dec 30, 2008 00:46

A Chat, In Which there is Vampire Bonding, although Not Bondage, and in which A Medal is Awarded
Up on the second floor of the Char Loft.... where an angry Spike has retreated, discretion being the better part of valor. For mun knowledge only, since Spike and Ellis are insulting people left-right-and-center...

Spike: I sodding hate werewolves!
* Ellis hands Spike a cigarette
Ellis: They do have a certain stink to 'em, don't they
* Spike takes it, glowering, and tense with fury
Spike: He's a fucking idiot
Spike: But I'M the stupid one.
Spike: Oh don't swear in front of my precious baby!
* Spike snorts and spits contemptuously
* Ellis pats Spike's shoulder soothingly
* Spike stiffens at the touch, face twisted in fury and impotent rage
Spike: I'm so. Sodding. Sick. Of. Stupid. Self righteous. Arseholes. Ellis.
* Ellis removes his hand
Ellis: I hear you, brother Spike. Now take it easy.

* Spike looks up at him with blue eyes bright with hurt and frustration
Ellis: Relax yourself, little brother. Relax yourself.
Spike: m' trying.
Spike: Didn't say the things I wanted to,
Spike: Didn't say just WHY they're such fucking idiots.
Ellis: An' your self-restraint is t'be commended, an' appreciated from me
Ellis: But you has got to come to terms with th' fact that in this particular
location things are skewed 'gainst us
* Spike rubs his face hard with his fist
Ellis: Folk get to say stuff they wouldn't otherwise dare because, for th'sake of
th'peace, we don't react as we might
Spike: I know.
Spike: I know and he's such a twat he doesn't even sodding realise it-
Spike: He wants to feel all flipping tough in front of his woman
* Ellis sighs and pulls a flask out from his jacket, unscrewing it, the copper scent
of blood immediately evident. He hands it over wordlessly
* Spike takes it and drinks gratefully, and wipes the lip with the clean corner of
his rather ill-used handkerchief, after
Spike: Angelus'd say I shouldn't care.
Ellis: Reckon he's right, more or less. *swallows his distaste at admitting that*
Ellis: You has got t'learn to control your temper, sugar, or you ain't never gonna
live to a masterful age, you follow?
* Spike sighs and nods, grimacing
Spike: S' hard.
Spike: I did control it. I went upstairs.
Ellis: An' that's commendable.
Spike: 'N I didn't say that I ate a baby just like theirs for tea last Thursday.
Ellis: ...also commendable.
Spike: Or that if I ever DID say I didn't eat sodding kids maybe I was LYING
Spike: Cos I'm NOT stupid.
* Spike sighs deeply, shoulders shaking
* Ellis nods. "No, you ain't. An' gettin' more clever as you go."
Spike: 'm not stupid.
Ellis: Now look, sugar. It is injurious to one's pride for folk to think you is
stupid, I know it
Ellis: Believe me I does.
Ellis: But it is also a real definite -advantage-, you follow where I'm driftin'
this boat?
* Spike sighs a little and nods, wiping his nose with his knuckles
Spike: ...but why do people think 'm stupid?
Spike: I mean I know I've done stupid things.
Spike: Made mistakes, like.
Ellis: Who does? Couple-a dogs? What, like their opinion matter any.
Spike: But 'm flipping learning- I dunno everything
Ellis: I don't think you're stupid, brother Spike
Spike: Yeh, but you probably wouldn't say so if you did.
* Spike wipes his nose again hard- obviously there's some bloody allergen in the air
Ellis: I ain't -that- nice, darlin'. I will grant you is young, and you is
learnin', an' yes, you has made mistakes
Ellis: But you learn yourself how to ignore stuff that's only gonna lead bad
places, an' you will be set
* Spike gives a little uncertain nod
Spike: I know how to do stuff that arsehole doesn't.
Ellis: Sure you do, sugar.
Spike: And if I had a fuckin' helpless baby I was so worried about, I wouldn't
bring it into a fuckin' interdimensional place that had predators in it.
Spike: Yeh so you can't do anything IN there, so what.
Spike: You can go right out the door behind em.
Ellis: Matter o' common sense. *nods*
Spike: Yeh but I'm the stupid one.
Spike: I sodding hate humans and I sodding hate werewolves
* Ellis sighs and slings an arm 'round Spike's shoulders. "They ain't got no
comprehension of what we -is-, sugar. They think it's just, oh, drinkin' blood
ever now an' then. They ain't comprehendin' th' nature of th' word -predator-. Werewolves should know better, but oh well."
* Spike sighs and nods, leaning against the older male's touch this time
Ellis: And it is in our best interests -not- to enlighten them.
Spike: Yeh well... n' it's to our advantage- yeh.
Ellis: There you go. *nods approvingly*
Spike: S' bloody hard. N' 'm sorry for whinging 'n all. But it is.
Ellis: Shucks, sugar, it's all right. You're young, an' I did tell you to talk at
me if you needed
Spike: When I'm 25 like Victor and Murphy, or 50-something like you, or old like
* Spike gives a little nod, realising this
Spike: He wouldn't care.
Spike: He'd laugh and cuddle their baby.
Ellis: Yessir, most likely
* Spike wipes his nose again, hard
Spike: Well, he probably wouldn't cuddle it. But he'd butter up the mum.
Spike: Get her to trust him.
* Ellis digs out a handkerchief and offers it
Ellis: Yessir, I 'magine he would.
Spike: N' get her to fall in love with him.
* Spike takes it with a little muttered 'thanks' and wipes his face hard
* Ellis takes the flask back and finishes it off
* Spike calms down a bit, relating this
* Ellis nods approvingly
Spike: And then he'd leave her alive long enough to scream when he bashed the
baby's head against the wall before he drank it.
* Ellis smiles happily
Ellis: Yessir, I reckon he'd do that too.
* Spike gives a little nod
Spike: He has before.
Spike: He says that's what a mother's job in life is.
Ellis: I will admit your daddy has a certain bit of style.
Spike: To scream when she watches her baby's brains bashed in.
Ellis: Heh.
* Spike manages a wry little half smirk at the appreciation of this
Spike: Yeh. 'n a reputation 'n all.
Ellis: That too. Now you be a credit to that relationship an' learn how to keep
your calm, things'll go easier all 'round
* Spike sighs and nods
Spike: He'd be cross if he knew I made poisoned fairy cakes.
Ellis: Well, he ain't gonna hear from me.
* Spike looks grateful
Spike: He might from somebody else, though.
Spike: I do stupid things.
Spike: Maybe that's why people keep callin me stupid.
Ellis: Well, guess you should think on what you'd tell him if'n he does. Mayhap
sort out why it was a fool thing to do and tell him what you learned.
Spike: But my _reasoning_ isn't bloody stupid.
* Spike sighs and nods
Ellis: Nope, it ain't, you just got some bad, whaddaya callit, impulse control.
Spike: Yeh, and then he'll whip me 'n then it'll be over.
Ellis: Mayhap.
Spike: Well he will.
Spike: Least after it's over he forgives you.
* Ellis nods
* Spike props his elbows on his knees and rests his weight on them, shoulders up by
his ears
Ellis: Mayhap.... now I don't know for sure, I's just talkin' here...
* Spike looks up
Ellis: ...but mayhap you go tell him yourself, he'll be pleased at that an' make it
* Spike bites his lip
Spike: Confess I used the chemistry set I got for Christmas to make poisoned fairy
Ellis: Well, you know, butter it up n' stuff. All with... Daddy, I have done a fool
thing but I is tryin' to be more worthy of your trust so I'm tellin' you like a
man t'take my punishment an' not lyin' t you?
* Spike thinks about this solemnly
Spike: ..he's a bit scary when he's cross
Ellis: I 'magine he is
* Ellis shrugs
Ellis: Was just a thought, I don't know him well enough
Spike: Well... he doesn't clap me in irons or run me through with red hot pokers or
anything like that.
Spike: S'not THAT sort of scary.
Spike: Not to me.
Spike: Just... he ...lectures
Ellis: That can be bad in its right.
Spike: And he sometimes shouts 'n he says things.
Spike: He said I cause trouble 'n inconvenience.
Ellis: Well, mayhap is true from time t'time, you think?
* Spike blushes and looks askance
Spike: s' why it hurt my feelings.
* Ellis pats his back
Spike: And then he made me stand to attention on a bloody chair in the hall while
the minions got everything packed up to move.
Spike: And wouldn't let me help.
Ellis: Heh.
Spike: ...cos it was sort of my fault we had to move, see.
* Ellis had gathered that, and is trying to hide his amusement
* Spike looks chagrined
Spike: me 'n Ralph-
Spike: He's the youngest minion- 'n he just fledged last year- 'n him and me are
mates, sort of...
* Ellis nods
Spike: We... went out of bounds and sort of... got mistaken for housebreakers and
there was a huge to-do and a lot of idiots running round with lanterns-
Spike: And one of 'em fired a pistol and then the called the peelers
Ellis: Tch tch
* Spike blushes
Spike: And a policeman came round to our lair
Spike: and I... didn't exactly follow instructions
Spike: and I guess I nearly blew it
* Spike sighs, thin shoulders slumping a bit
Spike: Maybe I am stupid
Spike: I keep doing bloody stupid things.
* Ellis pats his shoulder again
Ellis: You is young, an' learnin, just like I said
* Spike looks up with wary blue eyes
Spike: You're clever.
Spike: And Angelus is clever.
* Ellis arches a brow with a shrug. "Comes with experience, sugar"
Spike: Yeh... I s'pose any old vamp has got to be fairly clever.
Spike: ...know what's funny, sort of?
Ellis: What's that, then?
Spike: That arsehole demon that was what I was talkin about in the first place-
Spike: The one who kept calling me stupid, and a 'fag', and talking about the size
of my cock 'n all-
* Ellis missed this, but nods along as if he knows what Spike is talking about
Spike: I finally said why didn't he just drop his trous and bend over and I'd give
him a good rogering-
Spike: And he hasn't said anything since
* Ellis chuckles soundly
* Spike smirks a little
Spike: Course he might finally figure out some arsehole thing to try and retort with-
Spike: But I still won.
Spike: HE was saying I was stupid cos I'd never seen one of them video tapes before
* Ellis grins and raises the empty flash in a toast
Spike: And cos I asked what sort of demon he was.
Ellis: A reason'ble question
Spike: Yeh, well in his mind it's 'stupid' cos- 'there's only one sort, same as
there's only one sort of angel'
Spike: And when I pointed out that was bloody moronic he said I whinge so much
anybody'd think I had a fanny instead of a cock
Ellis: Folk get testy. *shrugs*
Spike: I s'pose I should laugh, when dumbarses say I'm dumber than they.
Ellis: Best response in my humble opinion
Spike: Also, I'm not stupid, cos I didn't get in a fight down there
* Ellis nods again. "That is gospel."
Spike: Cos last time when Marcus pissed me off to the point I almost got in a fight
with him, the barman did whatever it is he does that kicks your arse into a void.
Spike: And then it kicked my out back at the lair but it was day.
Ellis: An' you have learned from that experience.
* Spike snorts and nods
Spike: Yeh, s' why I just went upstairs.
Ellis: Good on you.
Spike: S' hard when Angelus is away.
* Spike looks down at his bitten down knuckles
* Ellis pats his shoulder some more
Spike: But I've gotta get used to it.
Ellis: Part of growin' up
Ellis: If'n I can be of use as an ear, Spike, I am at your disposal
Spike: Specially cos you can't really complain about how he's always butting into
your business and then whinge when he's away
Spike: You're helpin a lot, lettin' me say all this... thanks.
Ellis: Not a problem, brother. *lights a cigarette*
Spike: Don't really like whinging about stuff.
Ellis: Ain't whinging, you just sortin' stuff out. *offers a cigarette*
* Spike accepts the cigarette gratefully
Spike: Thanks.
Ellis: You are quite welcome.
Spike: Well according to Marcus all I do is whinge.
* Ellis exhales a line of mildly exasperated smoke. "An' again. You listen to what
some dog says?"
Spike: It'd be less annoying if it WAS somebody who I respected criticising me.
Ellis: Just gotta learn t'shrug it off, brother.
Spike: S' the hard part.
Spike: I've learnt more in three and a half years than THEY know.
Ellis: You'll get th' hang of it
Spike: Just would like a bit a' bloody credit sometimes.
Ellis: Quite understandable.
Spike: Also, to kill everybody who pisses me off.
* Ellis grins
Ellis: Also quite understand'ble.
Spike: I should get a sodding commendation just for not doing that.
* Ellis finds a post-it note and sticks it onto Spike's chest with a grin. "Here, let me draw you a Victoria Cross or whatever you British got"
* Spike laughs
Spike: Not a cross!
Ellis: Oh riiiight. *winks* Purple Heart?
Spike: Make it a skull and cross bones.
Spike: Crosses burn.
Ellis: Can do.
Spike: Even drawn ones.
* Ellis pulls out a pen and skritches out a crude skull and bones-- drawing is not his strong suit*
* Spike grins and bounces a little despite himself
Ellis: Brother Spike Aurelius...
Ellis: ...I do hereby by th' power invested in me by th' state of Leezeeanna...
Spike: It can be the Victoria Cross B- *shuts up and snaps to attention, looking
appropriately Solemn
Ellis: ...grant unto you this commendation for not goin' round an' slaughterin' a
whole buncha fools what woulda made your daddy annoyed
Ellis: You is t'be commended on your restraint an' lauded an' accoladed an' stuff
like that
Ellis: I salute you, sugar.
* Ellis does so, a lazy flip of his hand to his temple
Ellis: At ease.
* Spike beams and responds with a smart salute. He grins brightly, much happier, and they both head back downstairs.*

deadwhitemale, will_aurelius, rp

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