Munday worst

Apr 15, 2013 18:36

What's the worst situation you've ever put one of your characters into, and what did they learn from it?

Oh I am merciless.....

Manila universe:

-This is a toss-up between having Darren nearly starve in Soho after losing his job at West End, having Emil nearly lose the use of his legs after being caught in a pillbox blast after taking the bar exams, or having Marce survive being kidnapped, tortured and raped. All three of them learn prudence after this: Darren learns to plan ahead, Emil learns to assess his risks better, and Marce learns to take the proper precautions when handling a dangerous case with potential for retribution.

Andefalco verse (Claude and Fran):
-Claude has had to do surgery and plan rescues while being short on equipment and manpower. Fran ends up giving birth to her first child in the basement of a hospital caught in a crossfire. These two physicians end up learning some more practical skills and crisis management thanks to these situations

-Killing characters doesn't count if it happens already in canon. The worst thing I've done to Eponine in any universe though is having  her botch an abortion, and she nearly dies from it. In the two fics I'm working on, the worst things involve losing her younger brothers again (they are sold off) or being forced to kill someone. The worst thing I've done to Enjolras is having him nearly get killed by any of his enemies.


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