Friday lists: I love ... me -- a list of things you love about you)
1) Penis size -- 18" long, 6" across.
- READER BOO BOO: That sounds like an exaggeration.
- ZOMBIE DANCE BAND: Yeah, I know. Until you see it. Here, look ... (drops jeans).
- RBB: Wow! Is that Gorilla Glue duct tape wrapped around the foam?
- ZDB: Yeah. It's really great duct tape.
2) Capacity for embellishment -- 3 miles north-to-south, 1.5 continents wide.
- RBB: Why so small north-to-south?
- ZDB: Arctic air in February. Damn Canadians.
- RBB: I like Canadians.
- ZDB: Yeah, me too. It's just a meaningless expression.
- RBB: Like the other stuff you write?
- ZDB: I had a feeling you'd catch on.
3) ...
- RBB: That's a pretty short list.
- ZDB: I'm still in my formative years.
- RBB: How long does that go on?
- ZDB: I think death is pretty much the end.
2013-02-15 10:58:50 (138 words)