Munday - POV

Jan 28, 2013 15:11

What point-of-view of you use to tell your character's story (aka, first person, second, or third)? Do you stick to the past or present tense? Or do you switch things up based on the needs of the particular scene? If you write in third person, is it a tightly-focused third, or a more detached, omniscient third person? Is your narrator reliable, or not? Why have you made the writing choices that you have made?

I write in third person semi-omniscient as I like to get into the main characters heads and show things from their points of view. Most stories have two people who you get to see into their heads, and I try hard to not make it confusing. ^^ First person is too limiting I feel because you never get to know the other side of things, so I limit my use of it to dreams and drabble pieces.

The narrators are about as reliable as people usually are. Their own biases color things and they relate from their own points of view. They may get things wrong because they assumed it, or didn't have all the information.

I've always written this way (it was worse when younger...two POVs per scene, not story) and perhaps it's just because there's always more than one perspective on an event and I want to give the whole story, not just a portion. Of course you easily can confuse people if you give them too many heads to examine at one time and it's hard to move anything along so it's been a process to cut down on the ones that don't really matter in the long run and stick to what's important.


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