Munday - Charloft Checking

Dec 17, 2012 21:22

1. How often do you use charloft?
I used to try and answer every prompt, but lately I've dwindled down to two to three times a week (though I do try to answer twice, once with each of my characters on here).

2. How do you use charloft?
Primarily as a way to get to know my characters better. I like the challenge of answering the prompts in-character, and seeing what they think about them. The Thursday drabble prompts are also great for those days when I'm not feeling quite so creative.

3. Do you primarily use LJ, Dreamwidth, Tumblr or some other service (which) for your journaling / character journaling?
I USED to use LiveJournal a lot. However, all the recent changes have finally driven me over to Dreamwidth. I'm also tumbling a lot more these days -- in fact, I would venture to say that 8butterflyboy8 is more active on tumblr than any journal site now.

4. What would make you interact more with charloft ?(pick as many as apply):
a) If it were on DW / prompts were crossposted to DW
b) If it were on facebook and/or twitter / crossposted to facebook and/or twitter
c) if it were on Tumblr / crossposted to tumblr
d) If I had more free time
e) If there were more prompts that applied to my characters
f) other - please explain
Mostly a), since I've basically moved myself and all my RP journals over to Dreamwidth. c), prompts on tumblr, would be nice too, though -- if only for Butterfly Boy's sake. There's also some d) in there, simply because I'm on a lot of sites lately and sometimes Charloft gets lost in the crush.

5. Which day(s) prompts do you enjoy most? Least?
I tend to like the Thursday drabble prompts and Saturday quote prompts best. As for a least, I guess some of the Wednesday picture prompts. If the prompt is to find a picture of a specific thing, rather than responding to a picture on the comm, it can be tough for my pups to answer.

6. Are you primarily a writer, a roleplayer or both?
Both, definitely. I'm still working diligently on writing, but RP is a major part of my life these days. I couldn't give either of them up.

7. Do you have any prompt suggestions / suggestions for our community's future?
I guess more "respond to this picture in-character" Wednesday prompts would help? Other than that, I can't offer up much of anything. You guys do do a good job of managing the place.

8butterflyboy8, mslucysleeches

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