Twosday - Debts

Aug 28, 2012 14:57

Tell us about two debts: either ones you owe to other people, or ones other people owe to you, or mix-n-match. Anything from lending a friend $20 to having student loan debt to owing somebody your life is fair game.

A/N: Apparently I can't read as I did two of each. So, now you get extra.

I owe my younger sister everything, though I will admit I trained her very well. Without her stubborn and sometimes forceful hand I would not have my freedom, my life, or my sanity. She brought Seth back to me, and shoved us in a house to work out our issues. There is simply no way I can ever begin to pay her back though if she finds her own heart I will do everything I can to help her gain it. And threaten to wring their very life-force from their body should they harm her in any way of course.

I also owe Seth for having the patience of a saint and still wanting to deal with me after all this time. I'm sure he'll remind me of it next time he's annoyed at me. It is still quite the amazing thing that he stays interested in me, any normal person by rights should have run off screaming long before. He's always been very good at surprising me, I should endeavor to remember that.

As for others that owe me, Nao technically owes me for giving him a fresh start at a new life, but I have no need nor desire to call that in. I can get him to do what I ask whenever I want. Chance owes me from all the volunteers I have provided for his bar, but he hasn't realized it yet. It could be quite amusing when he does.


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