Munday: Love love love!

Jul 09, 2012 20:04

1) Are there any romances in your story/canon/fanon/universe? [If the answer is none, go to question 4]
Um well, Kale sort of has a crush on Spencer. Spencer is the superhero who Kale brings out of a comic book. So yes, there is. Then there is Jael and Skipper who clearly love each other, but try not to show it (Well, Jael more than Skipper. Skipper proposes to Jael on a regular basis.) And that's the important ones. Also, Kale has had a lot of shares of boyfriends. Lots.

2) How central are these romances to the story in terms of plot?
Not very. I mean, Kale's kind of a Scott Pilgram in a way, were he keeps meeting up with his ex's and they keep being problems, but that's about it.

3) How important are these romances to the characters themselves?
Kale likes love. He likes sex more though, so to Kale, yeah, they're important. Jael doesn't care, Skipper loves her. Skipper just needs her and weed.

4) Do you like 'romantic plotlines' in the fiction you enjoy, even if the genre itself may not be specifically romantic?
Um, sometimes. Yeah, I can find it cute and ties in but isn't overpowering yeah, I like it.

5) Do you feel love stories between characters are used too much, not enough, or just right in the stories you enjoy most?
I find in the stories  like there is never enough romance!! uggh!!!

And that's all I have to say!!!


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