
May 04, 2012 23:26

Tell us about a time somebody shocked/surprised/startled you.... and a time you were the shocker, rather than the shockee. Bonus points if it's the same person in both instances!

You'd think that, Loki being a shapeshifter and all, I'd be used to him doing all kinds of weird shit - looking like other people, changing into animals, that kind of thing.

Nope. One morning, I wake up to find he's grown his hair a couple inches overnight - literally. Probably got sick of his haircut from Asgard. Not exactly the biggest thing he's ever done or will do, but still quite the shock.

He's no stranger to surprise, himself. When he first noticed me, he thought it was a sign that humans were learning how to use magic again in his universe, and was planning on using it to impress the All-Faker. Don't get me wrong, learning about other worlds was probably a good thing, but that must've been a huge spanner in the works - even if he hadn't exiled himself.

Write a response based on this picture.

"...until now, we have not had the chance to examine the late Wilkins's remains so thoroughly, but you can see the marks from where the magicks used stretched and altered his bones..."

Farley risked a glance over at Loki, who drummed the side of his chin with his fingers, eyes shut.

"Not impressed?"

"Not particularly. When you've seen one monster serpent, you've seen them all. At least the good ones had a little creativity to them."


"Oh, feathered wings, serrated teeth with lethal bacteria, that sort of thing. Honestly, any idiot with enough magic can make a decent pair of fangs..."

1. Select a character. 2. Visit this generator and pick a random mood 3. Write a drabble (100 words) or short fic featuring said character and mood. 4. Profit.

(AN: I chose "vaguely creative", mainly because it was the first one that didn't have the word "social" in it.)

"While the needle holds enough dosage to knock out humans and some humanoid species, the same may not apply to an Asgardian nor to a Time Lord and may prove lethal to some - must speak with Dr. Tam about possibility of universal sedative..."

Not looking, he wrote Consult Tam re: sedative on the notepad.

"Or otherwise consider methods of safely carrying and replacing different varieties..."

He settled back in his chair and looked at the device, part hypodermic, part IV line, cobbled together (for him) in one unfinished, impossibly frustrating piece.

Where was Da Vinci when you needed him?!

If someone were to write a disclaimer or a warning label about YOU, what would they list as possible dangers of interacting with you?
  • Prone to wearing clothes and generally speaking of various media and culture from various other universes and time periods
  • Can be blunt, brutally honest, or otherwise generally irreverent to ideas, beliefs, or traditions that he considers irrelevant, pointless, or otherwise harmful
  • Associates, hangs out with, and fraternizes with people, creatures, and entities from said other universes
  • Currently in relationship with Loki, God of Mischief - do not threaten either of them in any way shape or form (not restricted to physical pain), or mention a good chunk of the stories in Loki's presence, especially Sleipnir
  • Not afraid to hurt, mangle, or kill
  • Fights extremely dirty
  • Possesses a slowly accumulating arsenal of guns, knives, and other self-made weaponry
  • Occasional bouts of creative MADNESS
  • Extremely powerful, if relatively unskilled mage, but can use power on instinct
  • Will prioritize friends, family, etc., if it comes to it


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