
Mar 03, 2012 01:29

Tell us ten things which you are good at, and two that you could use some work on.

What I'm Good At:

1. Cooking - Yeah, I know. Maggie and I would joke that I didn't get the "slap anything between two slices of bread and call it a sandwich" bachelor gene. I don't expect to be making escargot any time soon, but it's edible - and when you room with a God of Mischief who won't take frozen pizzas for an answer...

2. Talking - Even when I shouldn't be.

3. Shooting - But I'm not about to let people know just how good. I haven't even told Cranston about the tommy gun.

4. Scavenging - I'm something of a pack rat by nature, especially as a few of the things I've snagged have actually come in handy. Only problem is - where to keep it?

5. Fighting dirty - Look, I don't fight to look good, I fight to survive, and if that means kneeing a few groins or taking guns everywhere, then that's how it is.

6. Keeping secrets - The hard is living with yourself afterwards...

7. Organizing - You wouldn't quite think it to look at me, though - all part of the plan...

8. Being loyal - If I think you're truly worth it, for better or worse.

9. Not freezing - Never hurts, especially when the newest batch of "When did we move to a Hellmouth" wackiness is headed your way.

10. Drinking - I shudder to think of the state of my liver.

What I'm Bad At:

1. Staying out of trouble - I don't go looking for it. Usually, it finds me. After it breaks my door down.

2. Keeping sane hours - Whu? Whuzzat?


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