Wednesday: Prized Posession and Catch up on Twosday: Weak and Strong

Oct 12, 2011 14:22

This is my kilij. There are many others like it but this one is mine.

...Why is my writer laughing at me? At any rate, this is my kilij,a gift from Essam when he noticed me struggling with the sword. He used to be an armsmaster for some important household or other and he thought this one would suit me even from the ground. It's saved my life a lot of times, and I'm grateful he gave it to me too. Every bit helps you know.

Additionally, let's think about yesterday's question.

I felt weakwhen they put the brand to my hand. It hurt so much, I actually cried in front of many people watching this. Me, crying like a child at my age. I hated that I couldn't stop it, couldn't handle a bit of pain, and I actually wished to die, especially when I couldn't stop crying and Giz, who I didn't even know then, came to help me care for it and I couldn't stop sniveling. I sort of hated myself then, you know? For being a baby and all.

I felt strong when Essam taught me to use the kilij and I showed the others for the first time. John and Ellen both approved, Mariun thought it was interesting, and Robin said that he was glad I'd found something to suit. It made my day a lot better somehow I think, like I could handle things again...

fisher_queen, aliaswilscarlet

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