Munday - Oct. 10th

Oct 10, 2011 18:18

Tell us about the best feedback you've ever received in regards to your writing or roleplay-- that comment, review or critique you keep close to your heart, the email you will never delete because it brought you the warm fuzzies. Maybe it wasn't even positive, but you still value it for its insight, or maybe it was powerful because it came from someone you respected. Either way, we want to hear about it!

I don't want to post the email, because it's actually really personal, but it was one I got yesterday from a good friend of mine. We've played together for years, and recently we've been having an issue with a couple in RP that we had together. The two of us were fighting the break up harder than some people fight REAL break ups. It sucks having strong willed characters sometimes. You really can't get them to do what you tell them to do. *laughs*

Well, my bad brain was playing tricks on me telling me that it was my ROLEPLAYING ABILITIES that were messing up the couple, not just in-game issues between them that meant that they were no longer 'meant' to be. My friend finally emailed me and explained, once and for all, that it's really not me. I'm a great roleplayer. My character was wonderful. Sometimes characters just grow apart and need to move on, and us fighting it wasn't gonna do anything about it anymore.

And, to be honest, just letting the couple break up hurt a HELL of a lot less than all the fighting we did to keep them together.

Note: The character was adopted, so there was a whole OTHER set of worries on top of it that telling me the character was better than before helped settle as well. Just because a character is better doesn't mean that the couple are still made for each other, though.


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