{Thursday} ~ Secret Identity

Oct 07, 2011 18:22

Tonight, give us 100 words on secret identity!

Muse: Alice Liddell
Canon: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Words: 285
{{OOC: First of all, Happy (belated) Hatter Day! It was yesterday, 10/6. ^_^ Also, this is more of a double-drabble. This is why I find it hard to drabble if prompts really inspire me. This piece touches on something I might be exploring later on: I’ve been thinking of having Alice move permanently to Wonderland in the future, but I’m not quite sure how to do so. (Also, I think I need more cast members first.) And once again, I'm not taking the prompt very literally ... }}

My Dear Journal,

I’m so very thankful I have you in which to write things. Mother & Father must not know that I visit World’s End … or that I’ve found my way back to Wonderland. They simply would not understand such things as adventures with my friends, royal croquet tournaments, or snark hunts. But even if I were to speak of it at all, they would surely make Dr Marsden a more permanent fixture in the Deanery-or even worse, bypass him entirely …

I’m not sure how long I can stay here, with its tiresome social engagements, fewer true friends than I would hope, expectations & pressures, &c. Though she would never say so overtly, I am quite sure Mother believes me to have failed at my first Season-she continues to urge me to accept this gentleman or that younger son of a duke.

Can I help it if I would much prefer a delightfully mad (albeit trying at times) tea party to the tedious ones I attend here? It often seems Oxford is just the dull, colourless photograph contrasting with Wonderland’s vibrancy.

Would I be able to leave altogether?

I honestly believe I’m suited more to Wonderland than Oxford these days, but I would miss my family here if I were to leave. Mother & Father of course, Lorina & Ada especially; I suppose I would miss parts of Oxford as well, such as the Garden.

I wonder, would I be able to make short visits back to Oxford whilst living in the Realm?

This must be something to ponder later, however, for Mrs Bradford is calling us to the evening meal & I must hide you before I go.

Love always,


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