Thursday: Deprived and Hating It

Aug 11, 2011 23:52

Tonight's goal: 100 words on deprivement.

A.N.: Lucy decided she wanted to go angsty with this one. Enjoy a tidbit from her asylum days -- specifically, while she was stuck in solitary.

It was white. White and silent. White and silent and empty.
Lucy sat in the middle of the solitary room, looking at the walls, then the ceiling, then the floor. Everything was white - well, okay, the ceiling was more greyish, but that wasn’t really any better. And it was so quiet. All she could hear was her own breathing. It was unnerving, honestly. She needed to be around people, to interact with others, to - to - She groaned and rested her head on her knees.
If she wasn’t crazy when she came in, she was gonna be after another day here.


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