heaven knows it's got to be this time

Jun 15, 2011 00:18

Old prompt: A playlist made up of songs that have really terrific beats...and lyrics that are perhaps a little darker than the music would imply.

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ceremony is one of the last songs joy division created. there are three recorded versions and in all of them, the lyrics are unintelligible. ceremony was only performed live once, sixteen days before ian curtis hung himself. it was his last live performance. it wasn't the first time he'd tried. peter hook said about it: “He made two unsuccessful attempts. First, when he was really drunk, he self-harmed - chopped himself up with a kitchen knife, which I think was an Iggy Pop moment out of sheer frustration. Then he took an overdose. Tony Wilson, the boss of our label, Factory Records, brought him to rehearsal - straight from the hospital, I think. We’d ask: “Is everything all right, mate?” and he’d reply: “Yeah, fine, let’s carry on.” As an adult and a father now, I feel guiltier than I ever did then. If that had been my son, I’d have gone round there and headbutted Rob Gretton, our manager, and taken him home. But there were doctors, consultants, psychiatrists, and not one of them was able to sort it out. Unbelievable.”

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ceremony was the first song new order recorded and released. bernard couldn't make out all of ian's lyrics, nobody could, so some of them were changed. you get some snobby joy division fans who hate new order, but they're just assholes. bernard and peter and stephen were just as much a part of joy division as ian was. his suicide overshadowed everything else about the band. that happens a lot when artists kill themselves, i mean just look at cobain. but ian wasn't a god, he was a person. it was right in front of their eyes, but nobody really noticed his pain.


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