19/05/11: Holy Thursday

May 19, 2011 18:08

I managed to keep it down to one hundred words! ~It's a miracle!~

Give us 100 words, no more and no less, on faith.

They drove out of the orphanage for good the summer of 1970 with nothing but a beaten-up fourth generation Ford Thunderbird and the couple of hundred bucks they’d managed to save up from working after school.

“We’re outta here, pal,” Jake said, sounding satisfied. He rode shotgun like always, with Elwood at the wheel. “No more church on Sundays!”

Elwood looked at Jake sideways through his sunglasses. Hard.

“We gotta go to church, Jake.”

“Are you kidding me?”

Elwood lazily dangled one arm out of the window to signal left because the indicators didn’t work.

“I don’t kid about church.” 


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